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by /u/Labrinth · 0 votes · 4th October, 2022 08:28

Had quite a few messages on here regarding telegram, i worry about its safety. Is it safe to use and communicate on?

Comments (1)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 4th October, 2022 - 22:15 · Link

Telegram uses their own encryption standard which is off by default in a group settings. There is information like your phone number, all your contacts information, and IP address being recorded and stored on their servers. It's not the safest thing. If you want a messaging application use signal.

/u/cardinal · N/A votes · 5th October, 2022 - 18:54 · Link

what about the app session?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 5th October, 2022 - 19:16 · Link

Also not as good as Signal.