
N/A subscribers


Nl to USA

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 15th March, 2020 02:11

Thinking about getting packs from tomandjerry from netherlands. Some #3 wondering how i can successfully receive it 99% of the time.

Comments (3)
/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 15th March, 2020 - 04:11 · Link

The Netherlands is one of the hottest countries to order from. The chances of a pack getting seized from there are higher than other countries like Canada, the UK ETC. Also with COVID-19 and extra scrutiny on international shipping it's more riskier than before. All that being said ordering small quantity amount should be fine. There's nothing you can do to per say "increase" your chances of it landing, but there are things you can do to decrease the chances of it landing. Just make sure it's going to a good address and use the same last name as someone who lives there or the name of a previous tenant if you're renting.

/u/AnonymousHero · N/A votes · 15th March, 2020 - 06:03 · Link

I personally, have had a feeew packs come from the NL so far, and all of them have came, including counterfeit bills, LSD, ketamine, and the biggest being a 25g pack of molly. Im not sure if I have been dumb lucky or what, but, so far, I havent had a problem. Im actually waiting on a TomandJerryy pack myself right now, always keeping my fingers crossed of course. I should mention that I live in the Eastern part of the U.S.

/u/handproject · N/A votes · 24th March, 2020 - 10:11 · Link

Yo. Any update on that T&J shipment? Update: pack landed 3 weeks

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 15th March, 2020 - 13:44 · Link

Tom and Jerry play the game long. Quality and shipment will be ok.