
N/A subscribers


abacus is stealling money

by /u/Mynameisbob · 0 votes · 13th March, 2022 22:25

Several people have had deposits go missing on Abacus official website and when you open a ticket with them they claim you have been Phished. This is bullshit. the Monero and bitcoin addresses are on their official website so unless they are allowing it to to happen then they are just stealing your money. Beware depositing on on this website unless you want your deposits to disapear into thin air

Comments (7)
/u/Vito · N/A votes · 13th March, 2022 - 23:26 · Link

Good day sir, Any deposit had been missed on Abacus, we even credited people that sent several deposits to the same deposit address. They were manually credited once the user opened a ticket to report the issue. We only close tickets about deposits that are 100% sure users we phished. People that send us an address that are not native segwit or monero address that are not subaddresses (addresses that start with 8). Feel to free to send me directly the deposit address where you have sent your funds and we will review it again. And where are those "several people have had deposits go missing"? Several users we tell them that they were phished they verified it easily checking that the url on the captcha's login did not match the url they were using. Nobody is being censored as your post is still here with our answer. Best regards

/u/Vito · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 00:38 · Link

For anyone that want to verify this information this user used the account created for another username (which is not something really clever, starting because the another user has the mnemonic to restart the password and the pin of your account now): /post/c1204a2d8b14e136559b/#c-a429d32164bc9296c0 What was the address where you sent the money? I am just copying and pasting the information from your ticket here: 4925JkSouMcK99ndXwUaDUJLRcpdsdEDvBFLnG6o6DAdSk1czRZTpDGBUL2pKQF1rQZRML8T13kjsJ5jaVGHb1ZeKkeYfuc Is that a monero subaddress? Nope. Does it start with 8? Nope. Do you see any monero deposit address that is NOT a subaddress (starting with 4) if you use the link from our right sidebar link? Nope. Why? Because only addresses that start with 4 are provided by phishers. Why? Because most of them are really lazy to generate unique deposit addresses.

/u/crackheaddom101 · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 01:09 · Link

nahh I think u stole his 9.99.... kek

/u/UltraZero · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 01:30 · Link

Abacus won't let me withdraw my 4 dollars in Monero because there is a 5 dollar minimum. This is an outrage, I'm going to have to cancel one of my OnlyFans subscriptions

/u/crackheaddom101 · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 01:32 · Link

I guess so, We have to cancel the Feet pic specials :[

/u/Pablo__Escobar · N/A votes · 13th March, 2022 - 23:54 · Link


/u/Vito · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 00:41 · Link

Thanks for your support Pablo, we really appreciate it! In this case it is clear that he was phished because of the information I just added in the new comment I added to this post. P.S. I read your message to the modmail and I am not ignoring you, I will reply you once we discuss it with all the team tomorrow or in the next days. But in advance, thanks for your feedback! :)

/u/Pablo__Escobar · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 12:18 · Link

Thanks brother!

/u/kataro · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 01:19 · Link

/u/Mynameisbob trying to register for two months, and then losing your money once you think you've gotten there, that's gotta suck... i thought several people on dread had issues with registering with abacaus, but turns out its you posting about it several times.

/u/shineybudsuk · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 16:27 · Link

Abacus has been a solid market so far. best interface of any market currently. As a vendor these guys were more helpful to me when i joined than any other market iv joined in the last 5 years. And you can see by this post that the team are actively giving people support. Keep up the good work Abacus Team

/u/Vito · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 17:19 · Link

Thanks for your support! :)

/u/Anon48 · N/A votes · 16th March, 2022 - 00:13 · Link

See, this is what I'm talking about. TRANSPARENCY. Gotta give you respect for not censoring/deleting his post. Rather, you addressed the situation accordingly and professionally. How many Admins will keep a post like this up? Definitely not Darkode, World and not even WHM as Mr. White deleted a post from me when I posted of my bad experience with his market on how he handled a dispute. This is exactly what I advice desnake not to do if he wants his market to succeed once Darkode exit scammed as it breeds distrust. You guys are way underrated. Somebody recommended your market to me and after I checked it out I found it to have all the useful features a buyer would want. After not having placed orders with any markets for a while I decided to start with yours. So far so good. Funds are deposited with no issues. Received my first order today and placed two more today. Watch out for this Market guys. They have a lot of potential. Keep it up and you'll be successful in no time.

/u/TakisTikanis · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 16:34 · Link

they been offline now for 2 hours so maybe they stole alot more

/u/backtoit · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 17:07 · Link

i shot the sheriff

/u/rambouk2uk · N/A votes · 14th March, 2022 - 21:58 · Link

i am online now this fud shit is no good for business for any1