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Ledger Nano S Plus

by /u/GoldenBandit · 0 votes · 2024-04-22 03:49:00

Is there a way to make the Ledger Live app download and work on my Persistent for Tails, I downloaded the linux .AppImage and when i open it, i get "Could Not Display" and "There is no application installed for 'AppImage application bundle'" files. The goal is to use Monero GUI to get a monero wallet on the ledger but i want to keep it all on Tails if possible. Any and all help is appreciated!

I also made a post for /d/Tails.

Comments (1)
/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 03:58 · Link

I have never used cold wallets but im pretty sure you can just put monero gui wallet on the persistence and then on monero gui wallet create your hardware wallet and connect your ledger to it and that's it. But i have never done this I could be wrong wait for other answers

/u/PsyGuy · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 04:26 · Link

Haven't used one either but I think feather wallet supports hardware wallets as well.

/u/GoldenBandit · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 03:08 · Link

My understanding is that isn't possible, it has to be done backwards from how you just said it. LedgerLive is to download the XMR application to the drive, gui is to open a address because LedgerLive doesnt support monero. The problem is the .appimage for LedgerLive just doesnt want to work on tails. I may be doing it wrong or its just not possible for tails.. im not sure.

/u/Octopus · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 05:26 · Link

Yes, it does.

/u/bravo25 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 18:02 · Link

You probably installed the wrong architecture