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CLI Wallet Multiple Outputs Privacy Compromise

by /u/squidwordsmith · 0 votes · 11th January, 2021 11:10

i've gotten this message for the first time. it also said one time something about ring signatures and privacy as well but i cant remember exact wording. appreciate the help.

how could your privacy be compromised?
is it safe to send?
is there any way to fix it so it does not say this?

Transaction 1/1:
Spending from address index 1
Spending from address index 2
Spending from address index 3
WARNING: Outputs of multiple addresses are being used together, which might potentially compromise your privacy.

Comments (1)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 11th January, 2021 - 11:24 · Link

The way ring signatures work is by hiding the true transaction by putting it in a ring of other transactions. These other transactions are called decoys. There is 10 of them at least in every monero transaction today. These decoys and your address indexes are combined to together within a generally 11 ring member transaction. When you spend from multiple indexes they are included within the same transaction and that reduce the total decoys in the 11 ring member transaction. That is a problem. Because if three of the transactions are included in that 11 ring you only have 8 decoys for your individually 3 indexes. If someone is looking at the monero blockchain and knows that two of those indexes are associated with a single wallet they would be able to problemistically match that transaction to a single person. If that is too high level. Think of it this way. You are trying to hide 3 spies. Generally you want the spies separated in different groups not be together. If they are together their history might make an association that they are all spies. You want them to look like all the others. So separating them and not having them do the same job all at once (where all three disappear at the same time) allows them to be more private. What you should do is look at your transactions and see the transaction sizes they have. If you don't need all of the Monero, don't send all of it. However if you do, send your whole wallet to itself. That is called sweeping and it will put all those spending transactions together in a more private way.

/u/squidwordsmith · N/A votes · 11th January, 2021 - 11:44 · Link

ty for the fast response. so long as wallet sanitization is used would you think its probably still safe but should be avoided? lets say the path is xchange - cli wallet tails - market. to sweep would it be sweep_all index=all ? ty again.

/u/Thotbot · N/A votes · 11th January, 2021 - 15:30 · Link

Small correction: a ring (with 10 decoys) is created for each input. All rings appear in the same transaction, so the same method of analysis is possible.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 11th January, 2021 - 11:59 · Link

To sweep properly just send the whole wallet to itself. Exchange to your wallet and then to the market is fine.

/u/squidwordsmith · N/A votes · 11th January, 2021 - 12:05 · Link

ty for taking the time to answer. best of luck.