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Vendor going off on one after asking for tracking #

by /u/bongolord69 · 0 votes · 2021-04-01 13:16:00

Long story short - vendor loses his shit and gets real defensive on chat and "rage refunds" us saying he's "nobodys whipping boy" (???) when we probe him about the tracking number on our Special Delivery NDD Guaranteed pack that we paid an extra £10 shipping for - needless to say this is not what we asked for.

His first excuse is that the "shipping team forgot" the order (???) (and then subsequently rants on about how amazing having 10k orders until his belt is) and they're very sorry, they'll add in an extra 2g for the trouble - "okay" I think, I'll give it another 24hrs.

Another 24rs pass and I check my order status - marked as "shipped" now. I ask again for tracking #, which *should* exist if the pack has been shipped - another excuse about the "vendor" and "shipping team" not communicating such info as "vendor" logs off at 2pm and it would be shipped after that time. To me this all looks real fish, especially as vendor feedback insinuates orders are flying in and out - all positive.It's also an annoying trait of DNM vendors to offer this <24hr service and not follow through with it, we didn't charge ourselves an extra £10 for regular 3/4 day post that costs maybe £1.

The point in this post you ask? We still want our pack (of decent enough size) and have opened another order with said vendor, although I suspect now he has some personal "problem" (for asking about tracking and why hes messing about???) with us there could be potential issues down the road - a spiteful selective scam or ignoring our order AGAIN (24hrs into new order and it's still "processing, btw)

I have decided to hold the name drop until there's definite suspicion of an issue with this next order but what I will say is that I thought Monopoly were using "alternative and vigorous vendor screening" (your own words) to weed out potential problems between them and yourselves and them and the customer - I just don't see how this is acceptable behaviour.

Comments (1)
/u/bongolord69 · N/A votes · 1st April, 2021 - 16:28 · Link

@ /u/MonopolyOfficial - PM'd you via Dread but may as well take it public now. Vendor is /u/rambouk2uk - he refunds our 2nd order before processing claiming we are somehow "banned" from ordering from him for asking for a tracking code on a Special Delivery (paid extra postage for under 24hr guarantee) order that took him 3 days to "process" (doubt it was processed at all) in some sort of man sized baby hissy fit. Just wondered what your take on this clown behaviour is as, in your own words, you claim to go through "vigorous vendor screening" to prevent such issues. To everybody else: if you've no issue with this guy then grand, count yourselves lucky. If you get him on a meth addict ranting day or have any sort of issue then I fear you're SOL, I'd avoid a "big" vendor that gets on like this, personally. Stealth is absolutely 0 as well, not sure if it's out of laziness or stupidity but it's bound to come and bite somebody in the ass sooner rather than later.

/u/bongolord69 · N/A votes · 1st April, 2021 - 16:45 · Link

"Admin - 04/01/21 12:21:19 PM Next time they buy from you feel free to substract fees from the refund." Nevermind LOL - you're on the vendors side without knowing shit, wowza.

/u/rambouk2uk · N/A votes · 1st April, 2021 - 17:22 · Link

Howdy friend u started swearing at me calling using racist words ect demading tracking numbers 30 min after i clicked shipped i am not that desparate for a sale to sell to someone like u even if its a big order i hate bullys and and racist people and ur the worst person i have ever ever delt with ever on this market or anywhere on the darkmarkets u sent me over 20 message insulting me calling me all sorts because i did not have ur tracking number at 2pm ( 30 min after clicking shipped) and i was nothing but nice to u if anyone is on meth sir its u anyway i am busy and its been a long couple of days and hope everyone enjoys thier Easter holidays il be working on saturday up until 9am sending the best ket from Rambo Rambo

/u/bongolord69 · N/A votes · 1st April, 2021 - 20:56 · Link

The "abuse" that you allege we threw at you is us asking questions about our order and tracking info, which you got incredibly defensive about immediately which smells like fish to me - I've been on the DNMs since 2013, seen it all before. Like I say, this is just a warning to the people of what you can *really" be like - when everything isn't hunky dory you throw a bitch fit instead of handling it, not a very professional "big" vendor IMHO.

/u/rambouk2uk · N/A votes · 1st April, 2021 - 21:34 · Link

zzzZZzZZzZzzZzZ you fogot to mention that i Refunded u twice , two days in a row, and the first time i told u not to buy from me again because u were so rude ( first time ive ever done that) and u when ahead and bought again after i told u not to the following day, then act shocked when i Refunded u again

/u/bongolord69 · N/A votes · 2nd April, 2021 - 19:12 · Link

first time we've ever experienced a rage refund in a baby rage when probed for tracking info - just letting people know what you can be like :)