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by /u/Cavabaclava · 0 votes · 27th May, 2023 14:56


We've had the WORST night of our lives. We let the speed dry completely for 2 days. My friends and I were looking forward to a nice evening but this went completely wrong and almost became FATAL for a friend of mine, she was taken to the HOSPITAL where they had to treat her for TWO days. We told the doctors honestly that we had used speed and the doctors went to examine her. I've lost the names because these were difficult medical terms, and we were already quite confused but there were VERY HIGH amounts of THREE TOXIC SUBSTANCES in her body that don't belong there. If we had called the ambulance half an hour later, it would have ended FATALLY the doctors said!!!

Proof of order: http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id [dot] onion/image/get/17d444df4af644b7.png


Comments (6)
/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 23:40 · Link

This post is being locked. I'm not saying you are lying. So I will leave this post up so others can make their own decisions, but there is very heavy vote manipulation going on with the posts/comments.

/u/Kharon · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 21:18 · Link

Honestly this just smells like bullshit, And I don't even know or care about the vendor. On average speed loses about 30% of its weight when dried so you would of had about 3.5grams left so what you snorted 3grams of it and had a tiny bit left over to give the doctors to test? ( Which they don't as there not a drugs testing facility they would check the patient for whatever!) You should of died anyway from ingesting that amount from cardiac arrest or whatever, Also you could easily AND I MEAN EASILY just get said results under the freedom of information act or heck wrote them down on your phone you fucking moron! Speed is so fucking cheap, Its literally 20 cent per gram in Germany to buy and you could just cut it with caffeine if you wanted to be a cheap skate wanker. So like to cut it with 3 toxic chemicals just wouldn't make any fucking sense. Anyways your story stinks of bullshit, You probably got selective scammed on another account and are now trying to burn their name.. That I would of believed as it happens but this! lol, Nah its too vague and no evidence.

/u/cthulhuskittens · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:22 · Link

if you're going to claim there were "THREE TOXIC SUBSTANCES" yet you can't remember the name of a single one, people are going to call you a bullshitter, & they will probably be right.

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:24 · Link

I would like to see you if you are in the same situation ;)

/u/cthulhuskittens · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:30 · Link

if i was in the same situation i would save the hospital report. hell, i've BEEN in the same situation & saved the hospital report. what exactly happened to your friend? symptoms? your story is missing some important details that don't violate opsec but would go a long way toward propping up your credibility, especially for a baby bottle account

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:38 · Link

My girlfriend started to feel nauseous and bad, at one point she sat on a wall where she started to shake, we then put her on the floor for safety and she also started foaming from her mouth. Bystanders were very helpful and the ambulance was quickly on the scene, at this point my girlfriend was no longer conscious or approachable, this could have ended very differently.

/u/cthulhuskittens · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 17:10 · Link

glad she is (and you are) ok, and i hope if this vendor's product is responsible they get what's coming to them, but you said you and other friends also took it? symptoms sound like serotonin syndrome, esp if she was on other medications. can be brought on by taking speed if one is already on anti-depressants or other serotonergic medications. it's none of my business but if she was taking those, this could have caused this incident (in which case she should stay away from anyone else's speed as well as long as she is on those drugs). SS is not something to be taken lightly

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:11 · Link

I have taken that speed and everything was normal. All the best.

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:15 · Link

Yes, and the product you tried has probably been sold out for a long time and this must be a new batch. Do what you want with the information yourself. I will NEVER order here again.

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:19 · Link

Yeah, that is what i was thinking that it must be a new batch because the speed i take from this vendor is 100% normal speed, no strange effect or side effect. But if he has new batch then i shut up.

/u/pickleparty123 · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 22:30 · Link

What dose was she taking? Speed is not like cocaine where you can rail a big line and expect to be fine. Speedlab's product is very strong.

/u/speedlab · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:04 · Link

It shouldnt be too hard to provide a doctors note or anything remotely confirming your "worst night of your life" considering it was your first purchase you have made with that recently created account of yours.

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:06 · Link

It could have ended very tragically and I find the way you are reacting now very unprofessional. Instead of lying and distorting the facts, do something about your dangerous product!

/u/JoeExotic · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:14 · Link


/u/amaturetester · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:24 · Link

Joe, excellent question. And it just seems weird, 2 really negative reviews from 2 different accounts both created on May 23rd and both first purchase...And has anyone read any additional negative reviews having the same experience?

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:16 · Link

I want to see you in all the hectic and panic, at least I didn't remember it.

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:08 · Link

Why don t you sent for a lab test result?, that would be really harm reduction for all.

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:12 · Link

Didn't you read my message? We were all in complete shock. This was truly the worst night of our lives. Since we had to go to the hospital, we gave the little product that was left over to the doctors for examination. At the moment we had other things on our mind than saving it for a labtest.

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:17 · Link

Yes, that is why i propose to sent that stuff for a lab test result, we need to know what there is that speed. Just that. And i have take that speed for day without problems, not sure if it is the same batch. All the best. Ah ok, you means you trow it away so you have not any speed left. I understand, but for me it has not a lot of sense. All the best.

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:19 · Link

If you enjoyed their product I'm happy for you, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, you've been warned, what you do with it is up to you.

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:23 · Link

Ok friend, i just share my experience, is strange at speed sent a guy to the hospital, even less several persons. I m not taking you are lying, i just tell that is a strange situation. Just that.

/u/amaturetester · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:29 · Link

Usually a hospital will do toxicity tests to figure out what they might be dealing with to enable counter measures.

/u/speedlab · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:25 · Link

What a cheap reply to hide your obvious slanderattempts. Tell me more about those so called "facts". All you have made are ill intented claims from a very recently created account.

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:42 · Link

Yeah, and this guy has a lot of alt account because your score is very negative. For me what is happening is very clear. This pure Theater. Pure Dread.

/u/amaturetester · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:44 · Link

Here i agree 100%

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:12 · Link

Is very sad to see thing like this in dread, is a very dirty play that i m not going to support, on the contrary, i like expose liars, and this guy is a liar. No need to see lab test of speedlab, i know his stuff is very good stuff.

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:18 · Link

Why would I lie about it, what do I gain from lying about this? I can't sleep decently if I don't make this public. I would have preferred to write something positive about SpeedLab, but unfortunately it just didn't turn out that way.

/u/FCBarcelona · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:26 · Link

The speed of Speedlab is a good stuff. I have not good relation with this vendor, really he cancel me a order in Archetype and other order in Bohemia because i talk him that to make a review here is a extra thing i don t have to do, i pay for my stuff, so make review is my choice. But well i like fair play, and this is very dirty, stop with it, you are making a worse site of Dread. I m not in dread to see this circus. And that is all because i have better thing to do and here the matter is very clear,.

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:30 · Link

I also heard very good things about their speed, what do you think was the reason I ordered from them? I wish I had test results or something, but it just isn't. If you don't want to believe it for whatever reason, that's your choice, I hope the same doesn't happen to you. I'm not here to argue either, I'm here to warn people and tell them what happened to us this weekend. I have photos of the ride in the ambulance and photos of the hospital, but of course you understand that I can't post these unfortunately.

/u/speedlab · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 15:47 · Link

Yeah, he is doing the best he can to expose himself, didnt think a fellow vendor would need to go this far.

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 23:39 · Link

There is a lot of vote manipulation going on. Will get it all cleaned up and scores corrected. /u/Speedlab

/u/Cavabaclava · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 16:02 · Link

Again, I find it very unprofessional the way you are responding to this. Instead of distorting the facts, check your dangerous product. Attacking me about alt accounts is also inappropriate, we are talking about an almost tragic accident! That people express their opinion through upvotes and downvotes and these results do not work in your favor is entirely appropriate in this situation. Take your goddamn responsibility and get this dangerous product off the market. We don't play games here, it's about people's lives! I want to warn everyone about what happened to us, and what they do with the facts is up to them. In any case, I cannot sleep peacefully if there is anyone else who has to go through this and I have not made this public, you understand that yourself, don't you?

/u/pickleparty123 · N/A votes · 27th May, 2023 - 22:54 · Link

Man, I'm sorry but I don't believe a word of this at all. Maybe if you provide some form of proof, then I'll change my tune.