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Does anyone have knowledge of how to do A-PHP

by /u/Santolas03 · 0 votes · 2024-04-26 17:25:00

I know its possible https://pastebin.com/d6qNceQH

Comments (2)
/u/no-more_trollin · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 18:07 · Link


/u/Bromo54ur · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 18:17 · Link

You're gonna have to be a little more specific guy. What do you want to know? You already have a procedure here. If you don't understand what it's saying you probably wont understand much of anyone's reply either. And that's obviously a red flag that you shouldn't "even think about manufacturing drugs... if you have little to no knowledge in chemistry."