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Bundesliga, Germanmasters and Methbusters have been banned from World Markets.

by /u/makarov · 0 votes · 24th August, 2021 20:01

World Market has recently banned a team of vendors going under the name of Bundesliga, Germanmasters and Methbusters.
They have been doing selective scamming of buyers. When buyers would make small orders, they would delivery to build up trust with the buyer, then will the buyer make a larger order they would fail to delivery. If they buyer left them negative feedback, they would threaten to report the buyers to LE. And since they had the buyer’s address. The buyers change their feedback. Fortunately, a few brave buyers let us know what they were doing. World market cares about the buyer and vendors, but the group cross the line, and now they are banned.

Comments (9)
/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 21:38 · Link

/u/Lovelace you might want to tag some admins /u/WilliamGibson /u/mr_white /u/mrblonde /u/LeChacal This team has even more vendor names. Klaasflakko, Bundesliga, Drugzone, AmsterdamNL, ActionEU, maybe even more but these 100% are the same group as GermanMasters and Methbusters. - Klaasflakko Drugzone ActionEU where banned from WHM by /u/mr_white for obvious reasons. - ActionEU is still on Worldmarket and ASAP /u/LeChacal he has not been online for a long time but front page shows an ad! Some simple research shows, they all use / share product pictures, listing / profile texts some are more or less changed but when you have a closer look they all are very similar! Maybe all you admins all can pull together and bring this endless string of scamming by the same people to an end! Have a nice one!

/u/WilliamGibson · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 21:55 · Link

GermanMasters: 800+ Sales with mostly positive feedback and quite a few higher value orders between 1000 US and 15000 USD all of which seemed to have arrived just fine. Only complains we received were quality related and on low value orders (<500 USD). Nothing that indicates he is a selective scammer on my end. MethBusters: 136 Sales with mostly positive feedback and a few higher value orders between 1000 USD and 7000 USD all of which seemed to have arrived just fine. Same here some complains about the quality on low value orders (<500 USD). Nothing that indicates he is a selective scammer on my end. Bundesliga does not exist on Versus.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 22:53 · Link

Actually, he is fine with delivering mostly orders but it got to a point from most of his linked accounts that they are obvious doxing, threatening,blackmailing customers once they feel they have some privilege right on a market. /u/mr_white made a response to all his linked accounts which we didn't put as we mostly ban them anyway.

/u/WilliamGibson · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:21 · Link

I'll have a look at his messages. No tolerance on threatening customers but: They have been doing selective scamming of buyers. When buyers would make small orders, they would delivery to build up trust with the buyer, then will the buyer make a larger order they would fail to delivery. OP says they are selectively scamming and you say they deliver but threaten customer. So I am confused. Are they selectively scamming or not?

/u/makarov · N/A votes · 25th August, 2021 - 00:18 · Link

Yes they have been selectively scamming. An example is that a new customer would order from them and they would deliver their order. Later that same customer would make a very large order and then they would not receive the order. If the customer ending up leaving them negative feedback then the threats would start.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 25th August, 2021 - 00:27 · Link

We call them "amsterdamnl team". Monopoly outed them a while ago, we banned them, re-instated them, they are either dropshipping or they have good / cheap product and they don't care about complaints. However they are creating lots of issues.

/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 25th August, 2021 - 00:36 · Link

They are not dropshipping for sure, and they can also be 100% linked to the former Rainbowland, drugzone, actionEU, Albertheijnxl, Germanflakes, PremiumXL, Hasbro and some other accounts. They have been doing this for years including some very big exitscams (Albertheijnxl, Germanflakes, PremiumXL and more) just use the search function, always the same MO and recycling of pics and txt. Maybe /u/paris has an archive on recon from the listings and pics Anyway maybe today is the day they will be stopped MO build trust with small, medium orders then selective scam or get FE and exit scam, i have been following this crew for years on dread and market. Rinse and repeat

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 25th August, 2021 - 06:03 · Link

Recon purges listings when they expire (generally within three days). But the information will be included within the daily database backups so if there is a historic time period we can take a look at it. I do doubt it would be a common thing to reuse the same MO or pics over some of the vendors.

/u/rainbowland · N/A votes · 30th August, 2021 - 00:33 · Link

For one... weve never been on any market for years as im less than a year old.. We were banned from WHM by Mr White for likely our comments on here or avengers. If anyone has ever worked in bulk in NL there are many suppliers who sell the same xtc pills and drugs period so if some pics share similar or same items the vendors here overlap if you thimk it isnt possible then you never have worked here. If you look on my markets I may not have many reviews but on Dark0de im almost flawless. ALL my big and small orders are filled...if clients pay for tracking I give which I encourage for potential seizure or dispute. You basically putting everyone in NL into one pool and we are not the same. I do escrow with no issues and i state my reship and guarentees in my terms especially on custom listings and the clients are warned as most of mine go to higher risk shipping countries. I ask anyone to bring forth proof we are connected to any of these groups please...

/u/Methbusters1 · N/A votes · 26th August, 2021 - 23:43 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 27th August, 2021 - 01:50 · Link

Bro you do send packages, there are customers who are happy with your service. However you are creating too many issues. We had countless reports of you / your team threatening customers with doxxing (to my knowledge you haven't actually doxxed anyone which is good), but your customer service sucks. Now you are threatening market staff, great. You are giving us too many headaches than the 5% is worth it.

/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 27th August, 2021 - 17:15 · Link

Actually surprised germanmasters has FE on WHM they are obvious the same "super team" as Methbusters and Bundesliga, AmsterdamNL and many more some of their former accounts where very big vendor exit scams in the time of Nightmare and Apollon market. This shit should stop, as you clearly say not worth the 5% with all that trouble, and to get the blame later to have facilitated a huge exit scam when they decide its time

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 28th August, 2021 - 00:40 · Link

Methbusters / bundesliga / amsterdamnl / misterx / greygooseglobal = all the same vendor team!!! BUT I HAVE TO SAY: I AM USING ALL THIS VENDOR ACCOUNTS FOR MANY ORDERS AND NEVER HAD PROBLEMS!!! they just have maybe 200 orders a day, that makes the delivery time soooo long and many customers dispute!!! If they would wait 14 days, they always get their stuff!! So i trust all this accounts , cause of my own experience :)

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 28th August, 2021 - 00:39 · Link

Methbusters / bundesliga / amsterdamnl / misterx / greygooseglobal = all the same vendor team!!! BUT I HAVE TO SAY: I AM USING ALL THIS VENDOR ACCOUNTS FOR MANY ORDERS AND NEVER HAD PROBLEMS!!! they just have maybe 200 orders a day, that makes the delivery time soooo long and many customers dispute!!! If they would wait 14 days, they always get their stuff!! So i trust all this accounts , cause of my own experience :)

/u/concernedparent420 · N/A votes · 10th October, 2021 - 10:29 · Link

Just want to add that i have been scammed by this group over 3 seperate bulk orders (also i had roughly 4-5 successful positive experiences with these accounts). Problems i had: -nothing arriving even though it was shipped domestic -sending less weight than was paid for - sent product cut with MSG and creatine (this was lab tested) Honestly it seems like they are drop shipping or something. They are EXTREMELY inflexible in the way they ship/package things which makes it seem like they are not in control of the packaging... It's so annoying it's practically impossible to find a decent bulk vendor in DE because of these cunts.... Avoid these fuckers like the plague!

/u/SharkyRiver369 · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 20:46 · Link

Wow... Wanted to order from them but luckily I didn't

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 22:37 · Link

Just to confirm the specific vendors. Bundesliga PGP Fingerprint: BEABBB90F28C724C91C0AD639D0EC13E18B06413 and Methbuster PGP Fingerprint: 415D5D295F9999FBA5A7777D717001348E1A424C Right?

/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 22:45 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 22:54 · Link

Yes, thank you.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 28th August, 2021 - 00:40 · Link

Methbusters / bundesliga / amsterdamnl / misterx / greygooseglobal = all the same vendor team!!! BUT I HAVE TO SAY: I AM USING ALL THIS VENDOR ACCOUNTS FOR MANY ORDERS AND NEVER HAD PROBLEMS!!! they just have maybe 200 orders a day, that makes the delivery time soooo long and many customers dispute!!! If they would wait 14 days, they always get their stuff!! So i trust all this accounts , cause of my own experience :)

/u/makarov · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 22:46 · Link

Methbusters 415D5D295F9999FBA5A7777D717001348E1A424C Bundesliga BEABBB90F28C724C91C0AD639D0EC13E18B06413 Correct

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:28 · Link

The check was for Recon. Germanmasters doesn't seem to be on Recon that I can see.

/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:30 · Link

they are / where on WHM Torrez Versus etc they should be on recon to be honest

/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:34 · Link

0711B0031B868834A0F258E4C2BB662C421420D3 Actual there are like 4 GermanMasters profiles with different fingerprints

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:37 · Link

Thanks! Found them. I need to fix the admin search it seems. They have been banned.

/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 22:56 · Link

Klaasflakko, Bundesliga, Drugzone, AmsterdamNL, ActionEU are also the same 100% sure check pictures, listings on various markets

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 22:58 · Link

I won't deny that actually. As mr_white said earlier on the massive ban he done: amsterdamacid [VENDOR] amsterdamnl [VENDOR] bundesliga [VENDOR] countyline [VENDOR] germanmasters [VENDOR] greygooseglobal [VENDOR] hasbro [VENDOR] maaas0912 methbusters [VENDOR] misterx [VENDOR] nolimitnl qualitygmbh theplugutopia [VENDOR] Some are still registered but we keep a close eye. Be careful ordering by such vendors.

/u/allyoucando · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:01 · Link

I forgot to mention Rainbowland also banned by /u/mr_white months ago not sure if they are on World Market

/u/rainbowland · N/A votes · 30th August, 2021 - 00:39 · Link

weve never been on world market.. also we have no connection with any of these groups we are the smallest and our Dark0de market is all but flawless, look at our comment from above.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:29 · Link

They have been banned on Recon. No market will be able to pull in their information now.

/u/pussywallsofshamedotcum · N/A votes · 24th August, 2021 - 23:16 · Link

Knowing this helps buyers confidence when choosing a market. Thank You!

/u/bazhinga · N/A votes · 26th August, 2021 - 12:55 · Link

von MisterX und theplugutopia (über whm) ist beides angekommen.

/u/Methbusters1 · N/A votes · 26th August, 2021 - 23:52 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 28th August, 2021 - 00:39 · Link

Methbusters / bundesliga / amsterdamnl / misterx / greygooseglobal = all the same vendor team!!! BUT I HAVE TO SAY: I AM USING ALL THIS VENDOR ACCOUNTS FOR MANY ORDERS AND NEVER HAD PROBLEMS!!! they just have maybe 200 orders a day, that makes the delivery time soooo long and many customers dispute!!! If they would wait 14 days, they always get their stuff!! So i trust all this accounts , cause of my own experience :)

/u/bazhinga · N/A votes · 25th August, 2021 - 01:23 · Link

did my second order on misterx and theplugutopia. So I might not be receiving anything?.. :(

/u/Ketapferd · N/A votes · 25th August, 2021 - 13:21 · Link

I really think misterx is legit, but really dont know, for me, everything is fine and i am actually waiting for an order. In the past i ordered from GreyGooseGlobal and i think Germanmasters and the packaging and origin adress was the same but im not really sure which vendors it were But never had a bad experience with them

/u/Ketapferd · N/A votes · 1st September, 2021 - 19:50 · Link

Everything arrived after 7DD.

/u/h2p45 · N/A votes · 26th August, 2021 - 01:02 · Link

Admins from World Market works very good, I have some "problems" and they resolved for me. The problem is the actual the feedback point system benefits the seller. Right now in all markets I don't know but for example the mdma pills the 80% are shit if the seller said it have 250mg probably it will have like 80mg if you have lucky, and I am talking about the "big sellers". My English sucks i know sorry

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 28th August, 2021 - 00:37 · Link

Methbusters / bundesliga / amsterdamnl / misterx / greygooseglobal = all the same vendor team!!! BUT I HAVE TO SAY: I AM USING ALL THIS VENDOR ACCOUNTS FOR MANY ORDERS AND NEVER HAD PROBLEMS!!! they just have maybe 200 orders a day, that makes the delivery time soooo long and many customers dispute!!! If they would wait 14 days, they always get their stuff!! So i trust all this accounts , cause of my own experience :)

/u/Baiak · N/A votes · 2nd September, 2021 - 19:02 · Link

I just want to say someone mentioned AmsterdamNL and he recently got banned his ting landed after 60 days so idk if he is scamming but definately not delays I think what he was doing was waiting for XMR/ btc to be worth more and order from other vendor then cash in profit + maybe had something to offer himself however bundesliga /methbusters tings never arrived so idk why he busting posts here when he didnt even ship the fucking thing.