
N/A subscribers


Worth a read

by /u/newbieforever2018 · 0 votes · 2023-03-01 04:22:00

Renee is a liar and does not hesitate to make false accusations without any proof whatsoever. I know this firsthand and if you have the patience to scroll through his posting history you might find him admit that over 90 percent of the comments sent to him do not get posted because he censors what displeases him but he words it differently. He also looks down upon people who jeopardize their health and wealth by using RCs yet freely admits to using them himself as in today's topic.

That being said I find him to be a very good writer as long as you keep in mind that not everything that he claims to be fact bears any resemblance to reality>>


Comments (1)
/u/Smith-RC · N/A votes · 8th March, 2023 - 02:55 · Link

Very valuable news.