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How to convert XMR to CADADIAN DOLLARS Reliably in 2024

by /u/canadiansupplies · 0 votes · 2023-12-17 19:55:00

Before I get to far a head of myself. I have yet to start anything. I am just in the researching period; Which has lead me to my main concern, and what i am needing to know most of all. Is it at all possible to consistently and regularly convert XMR into Canadian Dollars in a safe and secure manner. So if it is possible to convert XMR into CAD, i would be open to hearing, all safe suggestions, and explanations on how its been done in the past and how the procedure is bound to change as the software itself evolves.

Comments (2)
/u/x0s9b · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 19:57 · Link

Your best bet is going to be moneromarket (dot co) I will not go over how it works though, You can do your own research on it.

/u/canadiansupplies · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 21:20 · Link

I shall look more into it. Thank you for the tip

/u/QualityConnect · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 20:07 · Link


/u/ballsdeep69 · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 20:39 · Link

you have to be vey careful with finding the right guy and inspecting the cash at first, some people have sent fake money before and it takes a while to notice. And if you ever use the fake money you get LE attention and your whole business can crash and burn.

/u/canadiansupplies · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 21:14 · Link

Thank you, for your advice. It is truly valued

/u/canadiansupplies · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 21:17 · Link

Your concern is greatly aperciated, and taken into consideration. Thank you grately