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Heroin in Australia

by /u/anyonewantafuck123 · 0 votes · 2023-07-03 09:26:00


I have tried every domestic vendors heroin on every market and i can say that besides INC its all shit,

Why is it so fucking shit online for the last year or so. Its cheaper in real life,

Can someone bring the fucking price down? or fill it with number #3

Rant over.

What about importing international? surely someone of you big balled motherfuckers could get on here and buy a brick and make bulk off us fucking retarded junkie cunts? My balls are tiny, we need you.

Comments (3)
/u/0nthacase · N/A votes · 3rd July, 2023 - 14:37 · Link

No, not since $350 per gramseller got buster or quite everything local is rubbish unless you see prints to show its off the bak

/u/nada-fukya · N/A votes · 9th July, 2023 - 11:10 · Link

Everything local in my city doubled in price since the pandemic. Literally overnight, and no signs of coming back down. The importers know that $100 p/t is a price that people will grudgingly pay. i miss the days of $50 deals. A bloke could manage a habit at that rate. These days? fuck me...

/u/doodledeez · N/A votes · 10th July, 2023 - 08:19 · Link

Yeah, I'm with you man, but I'm still happier to buy online cause it's consistently better usually. I wish it was cheap like overseas tho You said you have tried them all, so side note, have you had the double lion one from ausmdma? I noticed they have this but there is no recent feedback on it which is kinda odd since his other gear is supposed to be pretty decent from what I have read Also with Inc, which of theirs do you think is best? lantern or lion?