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WeTheNorth Market has Clearnet Mirror / IP

by /u/us3r-x · 0 votes · 17th March, 2022 15:51

Another one bites the dust.

As some of you might be aware the WeTheNorth is a darknet marketplace dedicated to the Canadian region only with a poor replicated knockoff UI design of the old infamous Alphabay (2014 - 2017). The market has a fair share of vendors + users from both English and French community.

This market has a clear net mirror [ wtnmarket.net ] & IP is openly Exposed. I have came across this recently whilst doing research. Upon discovering this i made a prompt report to the admin of WTN of my findings but admin did not bother to reply to address this.

The market is also fully accessible through IP []. I have sent proof to /u/paris and he has VERIFIED this.

To the WTN admins its absurd for you to be operating in this state and in the CLEARNET.

To all vendors & customers of WTN please take precautions and prioritize your security. It is your duty to protect yourself + there are so much resources widely available on /d/OpSec /d/DarknetMarketsNoobs to learn from.

Comments (9)
/u/WeTheNorthMarket · N/A votes · 19th March, 2022 - 09:23 · Link

Hi, Canada has a very small darknet community, we are trying everyday to make it grow. Part of this is getting advertisement on the clearnet. Not all Canadians who browse on internet are aware of tor, pgp, tails, whonix etc etc... We do our very best to provide them quality support, service and tips on how to to safely and securely buy/trade/sell on our market. I consider my market by far the best option for Canadians. I believe time will tell. PS: You tried to extort us in a message sent to our support team. We do not pay extorters. Go fuck yourself. Thank you!

/u/us3r-x · N/A votes · 19th March, 2022 - 19:39 · Link

You fucked up and the community has seen it for themselves. Lets dive in and address each of your comments and show the people how incompetent of an administrator you are. I honestly cannot believe the response i am reading from you. Canada has a very small darknet community, we are trying everyday to make it grow. Part of this is getting advertisement on the clearnet. Not all Canadians who browse on internet are aware of tor, pgp, tails, whonix etc etc... Firstly, if you read the post you would see this is regarding a CLEARNET MIRROR you are operating of a DARKNET MARKET and this is not about advertisement links at all (I have already seen the countless domains you own for advertising connected to servers owned by you). Just because some Canadians do not know about tor does not justify you compromising security practices for them which clearly shows everyone that you value $$$ over the security of your vendors / customers and stupidly even yourself (like a money hungry crack whore). We do our very best to provide them quality support, service and tips on how to to safely and securely buy/trade/sell on our market. I found this particularly funny. What support ? What tips to “safely” and “securely” trade do you give them? Oh you mean this excerpt from your site that states: "Clear-net users: We strongly suggest you saving onion link and learning to use tor. Clearnets are unstable and easier to log!" - easier to log ? You are giving your users a vague warning and you are not telling them the level of risks involved in what they are doing using clear-net to access your shitty market. I consider my market by far the best option for Canadians. I believe time will tell. It is not the best option for Canadians who enjoy their freedom but only the ones who enjoy the inside of a prison cell with the risk of your servers being monitored and domain seized just like /u/paris pointed out. You and your market is a disaster waiting to happen! PS: You tried to extort us in a message sent to our support team. We do not pay extorters. Go fuck yourself. Nobody extorted you or your support team. Let me school you, extortion is defined as a practice of obtaining something, especially money, *through force or threats.* I created a ticket with my findings and notified you without threat or force. After disclosing the IP i found i added for rewards address for my findings but did not blackmail and got no response after that the ticket was closed. NO EXTORTION HAPPENED. I guess when admins are exposed they use the extortion narrative just like with /u/bugkiller with he’s reports. Your response to this whole situation is weak /u/WeTheNorthMarket. This is a WARNING to all users to stay away from this market especially if this is how the admin responds to very concerning issues regarding security & privacy! You will find much better more secure alternatives in the /d/superlist

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:03 · Link

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 To be clear I have not verified this is 100% because it's just an IP address which is associated with a domain name. The IP is associated to this https://wtnmarket.net which does lead to me believing it is more than just a phishing proxy not being secured being that the domain was registered in June of last year before WeTheNorth was even publicly on the scene. I'm just really shocked that this is even a thing. But it is and people should know about it. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCAAdFiEEbfleES3oPdbct1q5DE1JcU+sN9gFAmIzW84ACgkQDE1JcU+s N9gJmBAAzItWkAl/c+XQhDb//Ao9BH0ws2DOFcCFk9TT6whGOjos/cEgATBDSFza ab5E75oQncSmDwaxdlWW3V4C22Ay0y5jTGkTN99Jt7c3HA+EbtyZRbnukHFCCNof e7+PF5AXpP7nl3I/e+1ps7XmPXGFu/dsYejUARZ8NPpovzUMi4vogRqAH07NR0SF ebP/VpSsI4BvLqGa+zel3YkchaOkT1TZWO6J0NlCCH22s/aRYkLwJ3ARJLTUx8ti vIAw9w+LTSXea28w5s7sGvIZXuajdS/xj0hYjqenQJHUHsM2Bsembn0l+WZ+zVtt fQiYD1qAnaeowChwiXE3iqmLkm9M7knJoZ8UUMat65FvCa1G5Bh3HN0jfK4P8ASq L2OuiPDiGquWOKqOOyprPwVyq83SKRz6H9kGOVJyuLrBTKHa/Owj8ZcQuN9yhv9I cmfTDI6hnCYz5wSXQF97UJMAtX1uQuW260F/F09Fk0leICAyaeXsABUhRv5ONsg4 DaPigBYSI0FFUTeisNOdi3rsrb9n5PxZR0Iy4v1/Mf8pMgU7Xr0BighI6SYnl0NE GCIDtbaoJ141D3PlhsNyBWF/addYIZVWFW4ury52ciq1xiJsQUYKtRJKrc3qU3cR 88238JxhiqBog3gkPVEkbffpTvW/o2FDh2GPavojeanwfq+vFT4= =6b61 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

/u/crackheaddom101 · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:08 · Link

I thought this was a genius idea host it on clearnet... Shiny Flakes basically

/u/donkeysquadreborn · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 20:18 · Link

Looks like they goin south LMAO

/u/mr_asur · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:11 · Link

But those times were different , yet he made a website using wordpress and all police did was , caught him via parcel tracking or intercepting

/u/crackheaddom101 · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:15 · Link

Shows How times have changed incredible

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:14 · Link

If you want the server to be monitored and domain seized it's a genius idea to put primarily buyers at risk.

/u/crackheaddom101 · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:16 · Link

And what if there are running BULLETPROOF hosting remember that one?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:27 · Link

I do. I get a lot of new market admins talking about how their servers are all in "safe" countries away from five eyes and are bulletproof like it makes them more safe. No idiot it makes it more likely your server is going to be seized or monitored because those providers are going to be smaller.

/u/katie · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:40 · Link

Big providers on shore are safer?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 17:14 · Link

The goal is to look like everyone else. You use fullz and cryptocurrencies to hide the servers. Then you keep burning and moving servers randomly but on a bimonthly basis. Don't stay in the same place for long.

/u/mr_asur · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:41 · Link

Bulletproof servers means , hostings which ignores notices against their clients , or ignores to take actions against them , they protect your servers from Law Enforcement and sometimes even provide the service to wipe the data on any raids or seizures But actually market admin has to secure the website themselves against these mistakes

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 17:16 · Link

There are no true bulletproof server providers. They are legitimate businesses and must follow the laws where they are based. Don't make a system where you need to trust others to do what is best for yourself.

/u/us3r-x · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 16:42 · Link

Its very shocking and It is very poor practice. Definitely users should be informed.

/u/Bugkiller · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 19:25 · Link

excerpt from their site: "Clearnet users: We strongly suggest you saving onion link and learning to use tor. Clearnets are unstable and easier to log!" I guess its easier for them to aquire users that do not know how to use tor. Its clearly a choice which puts everyone in danger. This market is probably administrated by Ricky, Julian and Bubbles from the Trailer Park Boys.

/u/baptizedinmiami · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 20:36 · Link

LOL i don even think the booiz wuld be that stupid but they never seize to amaz me, that made me chuckkle

/u/us3r-x · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 20:50 · Link

You couldn't have said it better /u/bugkiller. It is astonishing to see the methods they are using to acquiring users even if it will pose danger. Silence from the administrators also just shows complete incompetence and lack of care. /u/Paris it would be wise to put a warning in their sub dread for users not to use their clear-net mirrors (In my opinion their entire market). It is sad but some users maybe still dumb enough to use them on clear-net but WE as a community have at least done our part!

/u/mrwonderful1000 · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 22:08 · Link

Any good canadian dnm alternative?

/u/us3r-x · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2022 - 22:27 · Link


/u/mr_asur · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 15:57 · Link

They have a lot of vulnerabilities also Users should choose a market carefully to do business

/u/FizDing · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 20:30 · Link

Seriously? Do you truly believe you'll catch any of us using your clearnet site? Heck, most of us won't even check out your darknet site because of the clearnet site. What a huge security/opsec hole. The only people you may capture on your clearnet site are 1. The authorities and 2. Really rookie people not knowing what they are doing. Might I suggest you rename your site, take down the clearnet site and motor on? I recognize you put a bazzilion hours of work putting this together. I hope you're able to recover from it.

/u/KanD · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 22:40 · Link

> 1. The authorities I had a big laugh at this, thanks for that. I'm imagining a group of dumbass pigs huddle up around the office thinking this clearnet site is their big break!

/u/FizDing · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 20:45 · Link

[i]To all vendors & customers of WTN please take precautions and prioritize your security.[i] What this means is to first withdraw ANY funds the market may have. Close your account there and NEVER use it again. If you've ordered from either their clearnet or DN site, be suspiciously careful with whatever you receive. Your ship-to address might be compromised. It may become compromised when the FEDs crack down. Goto /d/opsec and ask questions. Experts there reside! You already may be burned

/u/stillxmoo · N/A votes · 29th March, 2022 - 19:00 · Link

!!!! Why on earth would a dn site need a CLEAR NET?? if you ask the WTN admins they will say to bring more customers in lmfao STUPIDD ! FAIR WARING BE CAREFUL !

/u/mirthquake · N/A votes · 18th March, 2022 - 14:36 · Link

they were a ripoff of canadahq and an exit scam waiting to happen. that's why i've only ever used it for small time personal amount purchases. that and its full of selective scammers, but where else can i find isotonitazene pressed dilly 8s and eto/meto pressed shady 80s

/u/us3r-x · N/A votes · 18th March, 2022 - 14:39 · Link

This market is not being secured properly. Admins do not care for their users. This is the truth.

/u/stillxmoo · N/A votes · 20th March, 2022 - 01:33 · Link


/u/boredondrugs · N/A votes · 25th March, 2022 - 10:27 · Link

Where's this information coming from? Could we get some verification on this?

/u/stillxmoo · N/A votes · 29th March, 2022 - 18:55 · Link

man if you look at the info on chq getting busted says police laid fines on a couple vendors and that they are well aware of other top vendors that were operating on CHQ ... then here comes WTN with a clearnet looking for vendors that were previously on chq to come over ! do the math on it a lot of vendors from CHQ didnt even go to WTN They said fuck that SMART MOVE!