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🧛 Drugula Market – Accessibility improvements & some future plans

by /u/nlimited · 0 votes · 21st August, 2023 - 21:46

I would like follow up on our recent changelog update (/post/3d760260b437ba0a33f7). This month /d/Drugula faced its first DDoS attack which was successfully mitigated, see here (/post/baa9716a02a7eb76ad07). I would like to elaborate a bit more on this.

We implemented (an adjusted to our needs version of) /d/EndGame to protect our frontend servers. Shortly after bringing the main market's mirror online we found out that the attack was still on. This was good news: we were able to test our freshly added defense measure immediately. We know that our users value our service for the great loading speed (/post/d5f5ff64d5e932ac7723), and we made sure that the update respects this property (/post/7314554400ae9e7d191c/#c-09fb573254b02c4470). The attack was going on for several days after we brought the service back online but was not effective anymore; it is over as of now.

We would like to thank /u/Paris and all the /d/EndGame's contributors for making the tool open source. We have shared our improvements & bug fixes for /d/EndGame, too, and we will be happy if it benefits the community.

We also worked these days to improve /d/Drugula's accessibility. In particular, now one does not have to solve CAPTCHA shortly after passing the front server CAPTCHA when one submits some payload. This is to address the issue /u/ukganjaganja pointed out:

Why do I need to solve a captcha to search when I already spent 5 minutes trying to get past it on the loading screen?
If you do change this please let me know as I am genuinely interested. Thanks!

Moreover, we also implemented a reminder which suggests to update the session if it expires within an hour (similar to what Dread does). We also promptly took care of some other issues, see here (/post/7314554400ae9e7d191c/#c-f1e1449b0701878707).

With that said, we were quite busy during the last days. Some internal new features will be added soon. In particular, listing categorization (we will talk about it in more detail: there will be some interesting AI functionality employed in the future) and market's special reviewer accounts (we would like to thank /u/VonA1, /u/excusememate, /u/mrbenzo666, /u/pdondrugs, and others for their feedback and/or high-effort reviews left for /d/Drugula's vendors).

Stay tuned. 🧛

Comments (3)
/u/mrbenzo666 · N/A votes · 24th August, 2023 - 14:22 · Link

hey guys, group chat is defo in the pipeline, i currently have no wifi so i am having to walk to a cafe everytime i want to log on so contact is difficult right now, and my bohemia account is froze...headache. speak soon guys, im so pissed at bohemia im gonna ask some of my best vendors if the will join drugula love from mrbenzo S a t a n l o v e s y o u ;)

/u/nlimited · N/A votes · 24th August, 2023 - 21:41 · Link

No worries, take your time. And thank you, we appreciate that!

/u/nukethem · N/A votes · 25th August, 2023 - 18:19 · Link

I'm so happy you guys are back, seriously. Especially for a newer market, you guys handled yourselves well. You could have easily gone a completely different route, but as it stands, you guys are standing firm and improving every day. I'm trying to convince more vendors to get on here as well, because I think they could stand to earn some more sales here, and also get the benefits that you guys provide. I really enjoy everything you guys have done, and when it comes time to restock on my end, I know exactly which market I'll be browsing first, and hopefully see some more familiar names. I mean, the fact you added an extra week onto finalizing for orders too while the site was down? You saved a lot of people from potentially getting ripped off/having issues with their order that wouldn't otherwise get corrected. Thanks /u/Bittern & /u/nlimited. Your tireless work is not going unnoticed. Everywhere, not just on /d/Drugula ~~ Thank you.

/u/DarkmoonMarket · N/A votes · 22nd August, 2023 - 18:08 · Link

Congrats on overcoming the attack. We too have had unsuccessful attack attempts all week. It's valuable free penetration testing data. Keep up the good work!

/u/nlimited · N/A votes · 23rd August, 2023 - 10:03 · Link

Thank you!