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tor.taxi phishing links. Pending Approval

by /u/spacetoke · 0 votes · 17th December, 2023 21:12

[pending approval]

Comments (4)
/u/samwhiskey · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 21:18 · Link

If you're using tor taxi, for the love of god verify the link. Verify links no matter where you get them.

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 21:28 · Link


/u/DrasticDuck · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 21:19 · Link

I feel like verifying a bunch of links and saving them along with your passwords should be the number one thing any newbie does when getting into the DN. Not sayin this for u, but just in case any user is here somehow without having doing that. I'm glad you were able to fix this, and (not sponsored or anything lol) if you haven't done it I would suggest you start using Archetyp, their anti phishing jail and 2fa are pretty fucking good. Take care! :)

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 17th December, 2023 - 21:44 · Link

the anti phishing screen after login didn't work?

/u/dankservices · N/A votes · 18th December, 2023 - 04:23 · Link

If you have 2FA its harder to get phished on most sites, for Abacus 2FA it states the correct URL in the pgp encrypted message you need to decrypt to log in