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Wifi network problems since 4.12 update

by /u/Gr8teefers · 0 votes · 2020-10-31 09:43:00

Before I updated Tails to 4.12 I was using 4.9 on a mac, and it functioned flawlessley, rarely having any start up issues. Maybe once out of 20 start ups Wifi would fail, but now since the 4.12 update it's taking me up to 5 attempts to get Tails up and running with Tor due to network failure on start up. If anyone knows if it's possible to downgrade tails it would be much appreciated : )

Comments (1)
/u/cestpaslafete · N/A votes · 31st October, 2020 - 14:41 · Link

Without any specific detail about your wifi card and the driver related, it will be hard to give specific answer. One thing i learned from tails, doing maj often bringed issue in my case, had better luck while downloading the new release and doing a fresh install. I guess you are having issue with your internal card. Two things: - try to find an external card and try it out. - inspect your driver and try to update it.

/u/Gr8teefers · N/A votes · 1st November, 2020 - 04:18 · Link

Excellent. WIll give it a try. Thanks for the great advice!

/u/cestpaslafete · N/A votes · 1st November, 2020 - 14:27 · Link

You are welcome, if you struggle feel free to post: - error details and log. - your wifi drivers.