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TGC tgc-rc.ru and Longflourish - Dead or alive/acitve safe to order?

by /u/CommonCents · 0 votes · 2024-01-29 17:15:00

Can any kind soul give a pulse on whether TGC and or longflourish are still in operation/active and shipping?

Considering they've been the mainstay "Chinese root" of most common to obscure RCs, there must be someone who can chime in here as to status/reliability?

Anyone place an order with them recently? How'd it go?

Thank You!

Comments (9)
/u/eleusis89 · N/A votes · 1st February, 2024 - 01:21 · Link

I can chime in, though my experience is roughly 6 months old. For TGC I made two orders of etazene and they were wonderful! However, the third time I ordered I received an inactive substance. I contacted them and they told me that they had to outsource to a different lab and could no longer guarantee the quality of at least the etazene, I didn't ask about other substances. They said they'd compensate me on my next order, but after hearing that they couldn't guarantee the quality of chems and receiving some garbage I opted out from ordering again. With longflourish, I believe it was etonitazepyne that I ordered and the product that arrived was brown. I started very small, knowing the potency of the substance, but worked my way up to 100mg lines before feeling any effect. Also, this shit stung so fucking bad, it was like a religious experience. I felt like I was snorting a Carolina Reaper pepper, it was so overbearing that when I finally got high I couldn't even enjoy it. In conclusion, the product I received was obviously very impure as it should've only taken a milligram or two. I literally worked my way up slowly and carefully for hours before I realized that it was garbage. It was so offputting and unpleasant to snort that I literally through the remaining 4 grams or so in the garbage. It's a shame that TGC can't guarantee the quality anymore, like I said, this is etazene specific and I'm not sure about their other chems. To his credit, he at least kept it real with me and told me that he was now outsourcing and wasn't sure about consistency anymore. I think if they really wanted to keep me as a customer, they could've offered to send me a free order to compensate for the inactive one. Who in their right mind would spend more money not knowing if it was going to be good or not. I did also talk to someone who used them for their 30mg oxycodones. He said he received his order and it tested negative for fentanyl. That means they're selling pressed nitazenes, because there is no such thing as authentic black market oxycodones. I would say that if you use TGC, you're at least going to receive your order from them, but there's no telling on the quality of the product. I too am very curious to hear of anyones recent experience, in particular with TGC because based on my experience I'd never use long flourish again and would only try TGC again if someone had success. The etazene was fire until it wasn't.

/u/CommonCents · N/A votes · 1st February, 2024 - 03:49 · Link

Looking back into my ancient encrypted container I do have invoices from TGM, so they send but purity was a toss up. Looking at their official site it does not raise any red flags. The high purity most in demand stuff is out of stock and they offer variants of batches based on purity and put up warnings bolded in yellow, which was never before. For example their N-desethyl Etonitazene listing isn't cheap but the product description is essentially this highlighted yellow warning: Strong Opioid. Shipping worldwide. Color yellow. MINIMUM ORDER 10 grams! - You must use gloves and mask!!! - Please notice that we have HCL version and MALATE version both. So if do you prefer any. Let us to know. Formal Name 2-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)methyl]-N-ethyl-5-nitro-1H-benzimidazole-1-ethanamine CAS Number 2732926-26-8 LANDING PAGE ... TrustPilot deleted our customer review page because of the content on our website. You can check our cached Trustpilot. NOTE!!! Please use only our legit address (you can .... OUR LINKS: REDACTED Per This Forum's Rules http://6nzzzs....REDACTED Per This Forum's Rules.....lulryd.onion (ONION - TOR) * Please use only one of those links above, otherwise you're on a phishing site! ----------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: We are getting many questions about "which is your best cannabinoid?" It's hard to say. Some customers said "5BRO-ABB" and "5C-AKB-48" are very strong and great product. But some others do not like them. Please remember, we are not any kind of users. If you do not sure, we highly recommend you to make small order first. You also can order our semi-finished 5f-adb or semi-finished 5cl-adb and finish the product by yourself. It will be strong as the cannabinoids sold in China before the ban! MPORTANT NOTES: Now we have 2 new categories USA and NORTH AMERICA. Most of the product is our website we ship from our lab in China and other product from Europe. If nothing mentioned - it will be shipped from China! Also they discount shitty batches and have various batches of the same zene, so likely legit. What sucks is the MOQ. Like why can't they stamp an envelope without shipping and send out samples of multi-batches? I'll give it a spin on some low hanging fruits and report back. Impurities aren't an issue, a $150 5,000RPM centrifuge would do the job and dozens of solvents for vacuum purging and sedimentation slicing for failed reactants, liquid density separation also. Highly recommended for harm reduction. You don't have to buy the reagent kits online, just get their native chemical constituents or synthesize (depending on which). Also vaccum acetone filtering will also let non-reactants / impurities bleed through and clog mesh filter with active pure psychoactive compounds. It's all about knowing the polarity of the native compound and cycling through weakly polar and non ionic solvents. Important to fully amorphisize. A brand new 10L liquid nitrogen dewar is $130 (you could get away with a large thermos at some welding shops) and LN2 cost less than 1$ Liter. Just flash freeze and micronize to create a unit dispersion fine powder mesh and get the finest particle size distribution so anything amalgamating is exposed to solvent for purification. Otherwise you'll have clumps of particles embedded with non-reactant impurities. The finer the powder the better the results. May not be worth the effort for some, but if you have some equipment or spare cash worth the cost.

/u/NSFWAustralia · N/A votes · 30th January, 2024 - 01:14 · Link

This is very relevant to my interests too.

/u/WolfOfDreadStreet · N/A votes · 30th January, 2024 - 06:22 · Link

Looking forward to hearing if anyone has word on this

/u/BigSection · N/A votes · 30th January, 2024 - 10:59 · Link

Following. Been wondering myself.

/u/cat_person_06 · N/A votes · 30th January, 2024 - 14:45 · Link

TGC is scam, longflourish i've seen recommended here but it may be fake post, so jury is out on that one

/u/CommonCents · N/A votes · 31st January, 2024 - 06:13 · Link

I've ordered from longflourish looooong ago in the 2018s and they were golden, but times change so would either have take test-of-time $200 pie in the sky order or wait for some consensus majority or trusted user here that can certify one or the other Kosher, if you will lol

/u/shiiiiiiit · N/A votes · 2nd February, 2024 - 11:12 · Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/phillyfanjd1 · N/A votes · 23rd February, 2024 - 02:48 · Link

I placed an order for MIPLA tabs on 2/7 from TGC. Still waiting....

/u/CommonCents · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2024 - 21:44 · Link

So the jury is still out on this one, hmm! Not one soul with a recent order or comment? From what it seems, these are the mainstay Chineese sources domestic vendors source from, unless I'm mistaken. Also, TGC is proposing a creative method of circumventing the recent mass bans. Essentially they're offering chem "kits" that are not the native chem but the final ingredient precurors in the synthesis. If cookies are banned, it's like selling DIY cookie dough almost ready to bake. From their landing site page: You also can order our semi-finished 5f-adb or semi-finished 5cl-adb and finish the product by yourself. It will be strong as the cannabinoids sold in China before the ban! They advertise/claim: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND YOUR MONEY WITH OTHER KITS FROM OTHER LABS. OUR 5CL-KITS IS THE STRONGEST IN THE MARKET AND INCLUDE ALL YOU NEED TO PRODUCE HIGH QUALITY AND STRONGEST PRODUCT! And offer cookie dough kits to circumvent the ban. They synthesize 95% of it and leave the final chemical constituents and steps to you, not a bad theory. Here is another quote on 5CL-ADB. I have a feeling most Chinese suppliers may follow suit, as it is the only method of circumventing a ban. You can ban lemmonade, but you can't ban lemons, water and sugar. So why not sell the final ingredients half-finished and let the customer cook their own product without undue chemistry headache/knowledge in semi-finished kits with separate ingredients ready-to-bake/mix. Not a bad idea. Here is one quote: This is the strongest semi-finished cannabinoid in 2024! It's 2-3x potency of the 5cl-adb and 5f-adb! Color of the finished product will be tan brownish. If you need only "A" and "B" without DMF and the Potassium Carbonate, price can be 6500 USD. You can contact us by email or Threema. ----------------------------------- Hey friends, here you can buy the very strong old 5f-adb. Since the product is illegal in China what we can offer is the semi-finished product. Here is instruction how to chance the product final product - You need: 1) Precursor Powder A 2) Precursor Powder B 3) Potassium carbonate(CAS:584-08-7)(powder not crystal)(856g) 4) N,N-Dimethylformamide (CAS: 68-12-2 )(2kgs/2L)abbr: DMF 4 materials in total * Note, this is price for full kit. You will get all the 4 materials. You can also buy all the lab equipment needed to finish the product by yourself easily! : https://tgc-rc.ru/lab-equipment Instructions how to finish the product: 1. Put all 4 materials together into the reactor and stir (you can buy them from us) to make sure homogenous. 2. Heat until temperature to around 85C for 4 hours while mixing speed is at least 120 rpm. 3. Let it cool naturally below 45 Celsius. Best around 35C. The liquid material is then ready. Prepare a big plastic bucket, put in 4kgs water and 12kgs ice in it. 3. Pour the cooked liquid solution slowly into the bucket, while quickly stirring the ice water. Solids should appear. 4. Continue to stir for 5-10minutes. 5. Let the solids stay in the water for 4-5 hours. The ice in the bucket can't be melted can add more ice if needed. 6) Filter the solids with vacuum funnel or through a filter such as cheese cloth and then dry it naturally. *We are here to help if you need anything. But it's not really complicated process! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: melting point of finished products is 45 Celsius, so no dryer, let it cool naturally. if u failed in making it to solid but liquid, quality no influence finished products should be around 1.3kg - 1.5kg yield! Any recent Dread members ordered from either TGC or longflourish recently that can confirm or deny their good standing?

/u/ElCaptinoJackarino · N/A votes · 13th February, 2024 - 05:52 · Link

Longfluorish for Protonitazepyne, metonitazepyne, and a few other things. Never ordered from TGC but everyone says they're legit. And they have stuff no one else has