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The mystery of Snowspace - the 8 month old vendor with 0 reviews.

by /u/Sutta_Na_Mila · 0 votes · 2024-05-04 07:27:00

Everyone who has bought from snowspace say they didn't receive coke. They didn't say it was bad or adulterated, they said it was not coke at all. The reason he doesn't have reviews because he refunds people after sending them fake coke.

If he actually had pure Colombian, why would he sell it for 4k? He says it's because he wants reviews. If he just wants reviews he can send smaller samples. Nobody in entire DNM India has pure white and it is not easy to find it on the streets. He can easily get 12k for pure Colombian. Why would he throw away so much money?

The speed of the sales of pure white is faster than the speed of pure light. Jago Grahak Jago! Nobody will ever sell you pure white for 4k in India. He doesn't have the product he says he does and probably never will.

I'll be happy if this vendor can prove me wrong by sending any experienced coke user a small sample of real coke. Experienced users can verify purity with only 50mg.

Until then, he's just another failed grifter like the many fake coke vendors we have had in the past.

Peace and love,
- just someone who loves pure coke.

Comments (1)
/u/delhifpo · N/A votes · 4th May, 2024 - 07:39 · Link

Someone calling it as it is!! Facts only!!! His new new new new new batch is alleged good (so he claims) and some of his buyers are actually very protective of him and told me to give him another shot at this and vendor was also responsive. So I backed away. Now vendor said will ship 1g free to someone who is old user in community and I know as “trusted” but that has not happened still. Recently made a post for 5 samples at 4.5K/G which I told him to take it down.

/u/Sutta_Na_Mila · N/A votes · 4th May, 2024 - 09:55 · Link

They're protecting him because they think they're going to get pure Colombian for 4k. Their naivety knows no bounds. The only one who will sell you pure Colombian for the equivalent of 4k INR is a Colombian whore who wants to lure you into paying for The Girlfriend Experience.

/u/TheFlowerBro · N/A votes · 4th May, 2024 - 10:06 · Link

Where can i find her? Asking for a friend

/u/dickcancer · N/A votes · 4th May, 2024 - 12:15 · Link

LOL 4K/G sounds odd and scammy itself. Real market rate is 12K and how come he can sell for 4K. Good quality meth has this pricing how can coke be sell at 4K. LOL