
N/A subscribers


Monopoly is a great idea

by /u/ofjrugofk59 · 0 votes · 2019-08-29 17:38:00

Thank you for this new market.Im sure this is move in the right way

Comments (4)
/u/duffy · N/A votes · 29th August, 2019 - 22:44 · Link

Waletless? Or what's so great about it?

/u/Racksin · N/A votes · 2nd September, 2019 - 17:50 · Link

Yeah what is so great about it ? Dont get me wrong i alsow like the markets from the looks it one of the most beutifeul markets out here . But how does it work is it a market whit onl verified vendors of othermarkets a market whit vendors whit name only ? I dont get it yet but it looks good tumbs up? But the creators must have been around on darkweb for a wile i think they look like they know what they are doing

/u/WeGotTheGoods · N/A votes · 12th September, 2019 - 03:04 · Link

Verified vetted vendors only, XMR only, wallet-less, based on security, good team behind it as a few examples etc.

/u/Racksin · N/A votes · 15th September, 2019 - 00:17 · Link

Tru thats what i love about it

/u/cjack8102 · N/A votes · 13th September, 2019 - 03:46 · Link

I just want to say I am a new vendor on this market and got such a great feeling about its success. The admin take time and care to hand pick vendors and this is what will make the market great. Every time I log in I am not worried that they have "exit scammed" due to the wallet-less system in place. I recommend both buyers and vendors to give this market a chance.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 4th September, 2019 - 08:35 · Link

This market is a joke with an owner who has an ego the size of the entire internet! (And please remove our vendor batch because we certainly don't want to be associated with this worthless market anymore!)