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Vendor Review : Donsdrugs

by /u/Snoop888 · 0 votes · 2024-05-06 14:46:00

Product: THC Capsules
Price: 120$
Quantity: 20 Capsules
Quality: 11/10
Comms: 10/10
Stealth: 10/10
Overall Experience: 10/10

I wanted to try edibles after a long time. I was constantly smoking buds and wanted to cut down on smoking since i had hit the saturation point. There was nobody offering edibles. I was actually interested to pick up the mids but since he was out of stock i decided to try the edibles. The vendor is friendly and easy to work with. Comms was fast. Vendor said the edibles are strong af and asked me to consume 2. Oh boy! the trip was so strong my eyes were so jittery after popping them in like 20 mins. The kush taste was strong. The trip easily lasted for 8 hrs and the first 6 hours was intense and then micro peaks. Didnt feel like smoking at all but still charged up with a small doobie and i slept for like 15 hrs straight. I'm planning to pop these with LSD too. Great pricing too. The capsules were big and defintely 100mg. Top product and experience was super worth it will order more fs.

Stealth was on point and took 4D for T1 city NE.

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