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Where can I find good static IP?

by /u/olafi · 0 votes · 2024-05-06 17:09:00

I am looking for staic ips i can buy to be long term in an account i will create. at least 1 month would be good. i have tried pia proxy and also cheap proxy but both also have bad ip which i will not get refunded and therefore throw money away.

Maybe there is a provider that is better than both of them?

Thanks in advance.

Comments (3)
/u/porkypig · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 17:30 · Link

I think it depends on what you need it for. I say this because if I was an administrator and I was able to sort out, there's one IP address that logs in once a month and does things I don't like, I could easily create a firewall rule or filter that will look for that IP address.

/u/olafi · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 17:48 · Link

I just need static ips. Do you know any good providers?

/u/Eldeeb · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 18:39 · Link

IPRoyal is the one i use. search it up on regular browser

/u/MrMagic · N/A votes · 6th May, 2024 - 21:30 · Link

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