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Bluemagic vendor review/Monopoly review

by /u/unusualraccoon · 0 votes · 2020-03-28 17:59:00

Ordered some trams and blister pack sealed alprazolam off of the vendor bluemagic on monopoly market. Legit products, excellent prices, good and pleasant communication, reasonably fast delivery (I think 2-3 days from being marked shipped to in my hands).

I only came to monopoly as Empire was unusable, but I was pleasantly surprised. I think the format of no escrow, no buyer profiles is actually pretty good, provided monopoly really do commit to their promise to only allow thoroughly vetted vendors sell on their site. I personally have only ever lost money buying on DNMs when the site exit scammed right after I placed an order, never been scammed by a vendor. The lack of escrow means you only have to worry about trusting vendors, not the market, which on balance is probably a better system with the current state of DNMs provided you use well established vendors.

Bluemagic accidentally sent me more trams than I payed for, I offered to give them some extra btc on my next order and they said don't worry about it, just enjoy, which is pretty decent of them.

Top marks from me for both bluemagic and monopoly market.

Comments (7)
/u/glittermeupxxx · N/A votes · 7th April, 2020 - 03:01 · Link

Well I have a totally different review about bluemagic. I've asked him several times to please respond, he's lied to me, said he had sent, then after 4 weeks of me bugging him he came clean and said he never sent. Finally sent me some oxy's, not what I ordered. We agreed no more FE for me because of this fuck up, he sent me 80's 2 months later. I paid of course, he promised to send me more last monday, monday came by, he made up more excuses, then has ghosted me again. Not good business to say the least. I have been a great paying customer, desperate for a trustworthy vendor. ANd as of today 7 days after he promised to send my last order out international overnight because of the months I have been waiting on my 1st & 2nd order, my begging to please respond over and over, he has not. Monopoly was the site he was FE on and I had no recourse... at all. He should NOT be FE AT ALL. Im talking thousands of money, with no recourse.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 29th March, 2020 - 03:33 · Link

Good to read.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 29th March, 2020 - 02:15 · Link

Thanks - nice for a buyer to take the time to write the good things not just bad Much love Bluemagic /d/bluemagic

/u/Reprise12 · N/A votes · 2nd April, 2020 - 23:36 · Link

Been looking for a review of bluemagic cheers for this.

/u/Imsasha · N/A votes · 14th April, 2020 - 20:46 · Link

yeees. landed. and they are blue and taste legit. spot on bro. took 2 weeks but I guess it's to do with the postal system atm. legend . ps. I ordered of their personal shop http://bluemagicjon2l32.onion/

/u/CandorCrimlin · N/A votes · 18th April, 2020 - 19:16 · Link

Hi - can you please tell me if there is and advantage, or difference, ordering from a vendors personal shop, as opposed to purchasing via a marketplace like Monopoly?

/u/Imsasha · N/A votes · 19th April, 2020 - 00:28 · Link

tends to arrive quicker, cheaper and first time customers get 10% off first order with coupon REGULAR

/u/DeathStranded · N/A votes · 17th April, 2020 - 17:52 · Link

Been a lurker for a while now but made an account to say this: I'm going to be honest here, I have ordered many different products from Bluemagic over the past few months and more often than not it has taken over a week to arrive, but no matter how long it takes the order always arrives. The product is always incredible quality(from sandoz to pressed benzos) and I've been given a few extra xans in multiple orders. Any issues I've had have been resolved within 24 hours through their ticket system on their vendor store. Overall: a reliable vendor who gives a bit extra and always delivers fire product, what more could you want? Thanks /u/pharmawhite for being the best vendor I've dealt with for a long time, keep up the good work :D

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 18th April, 2020 - 00:28 · Link

Thanks so much for taking the time to write this - we may not be the quickest but this is not a run of the mill job - sometimes life gets in the way and you cant dispatch 100 orders that day because its dangerous or not safe or any number of reasons - we would love to be like Amazon prime but it aint possible - what I will say is we do our best and always get it there as quick as possible but sometines you cant always work that day in the way you had hoped and deliveries get delayed People are quick to moan so it's nice to here from one of the 99% that appreciates what we do Much love Bluemagic

/u/DeathStranded · N/A votes · 18th April, 2020 - 18:07 · Link

Its all good man, I'm not expecting amazon speeds and I'm more than happy to wait a couple of extra days for good quality stuff :D Good luck and keep safe during lockdown dudes

/u/Caily · N/A votes · 30th April, 2020 - 13:44 · Link

Nice, review thank you. :P