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People in glass house's shouldnt throw stones

by /u/shitdottaxi · 0 votes · 19th November, 2021 04:35

tor.taxi njalla server ip

ill leak his website files again aswell.

Comments (8)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 04:51 · Link

Anyone could have found that by simply searching the onion-location via an Ip crawler service. See https://www.shodan.io/search?query=tortaxi7axhn2fv4j475a6blv7vwjtpieokolfnojwvkhsnj7sgctkqd.onion⚠️. It's not like it really was designed to be hidden. These link lists can be fully cached on a CDN.

/u/shitdottaxi · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 05:21 · Link

Meh ... if they are going to be a Top link site , dont you think they should cover up the ip? i honestly dont care ive proxy off it and and fill my pockets. Personall y shit like this is good because i profit often . It should be a teachable moment ! you know simple things hide the ip , dont let anyone wget your whole site. #figthingbackagaintphishing.

/u/peeeeeeeeeeepwwpw · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 05:26 · Link

skidman you are one dumb motherfucker

/u/shitdottaxi · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 05:33 · Link

why is everyone getting so upset? Not saying i am big hacker man or anything ..all i am saying is .IF!!! you try to blow up someone about phishing ? shouldnt your site be unphishable? The standards around here are just getting so low . i dont know who skidman is btw, jesus chirst sooo much for civil discourse.. gee whiz torsocks wget --recursive http://tortaxi7axhn2fv4j475a6blv7vwjtpieokolfnojwvkhsnj7sgctkqd.onion/ shouldn't work on linksites? am i wrong?

/u/Time4McKenna · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 08:01 · Link

why would that bother you? to read their website in your own browser tab you need a copy of their data. you wanna know what the real elephant in the room is? their page.css with over 1 MB. that really bothers me. just what is it that they are hiding in there? elephants? darkfail is much smaller at below 50 KB and consequently much faster and cheaper in bandwidth cost. well done /u/DarkDotFail

/u/TorDotTaxi · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 15:14 · Link


/u/Time4McKenna · N/A votes · 20th November, 2021 - 11:20 · Link

most of the stuff in your page.css is not even need. not sure which framework has such css and wont bother to look that up either. if others identify the framework you use, they know exactly where to look for weaknesses in your system. if your system gets compromised and turned into a weapon against others, your reputation would certainly be ruined. to the extent that css can be used for code injection and exploits, less css may be more security. you should rather serve 10 times your current number of visitors at the same bandwidth cost or the same number of visitors at a bandwidth cost reduced by one order of magnitude. there is no need to make helping others more expensive than necessary to you. nevertheless, THANK YOU for providing such a very valuable service to people looking for orientation around the available (larger) darknet hidden sites / services. oh, and excellent choice of top level domain taxi. easily memorizable. very user friendly.

/u/StarScream999 · N/A votes · 20th November, 2021 - 01:31 · Link

Why do you harass a perfectly legitimate service that is simply trying to provide help to the community? What is your beef with them that's so goddamn serious that you feel you need to hack them or claim to hack them? And if you have, PROVE IT or GTFO.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 20th November, 2021 - 04:04 · Link

anybody can get the webfiles of any html site, you can do the same to dark.fail, darknetlive and others. the ip being exposed isnt a problem as the service isnt supposed to be hidden like paris said. even with the ip hidden phishers can still proxy the site. nothing was hacked

/u/StarScream999 · N/A votes · 20th November, 2021 - 04:06 · Link

Oh, I see. So, TOR sites are like a skirt you're not supposed to look under?

/u/doobiedomestic · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 04:57 · Link

if you have Talent create something useful for People and make your name, Rather than creating any ruckus. Don't Phish

/u/StarScream999 · N/A votes · 20th November, 2021 - 01:34 · Link

Who are you addressing this too?

/u/plkqcs · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 05:18 · Link

If people are throwing stones at you, I'll bet you did something to deserve it. I get those vibes off you

/u/We_Are_9000 · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 06:02 · Link

WTF????? You pissed on my shoes!!!! You have no room to talk good sir!!!!

/u/shitdottaxi · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 05:37 · Link

I get it people hate when i point out small facts. Maybe i should tone it down a bit.

/u/plkqcs · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 07:36 · Link

I don't HAVE to be a troll. But you will always be a panty scammer . And BTW, your OPSEC STINKS!! You really need to vacuum seal that shit. There was a HAZMAT warning on my last pack!!

/u/plkqcs · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 07:29 · Link

I hate it, when I rank people out and they respond rationally. And then /u/We_Are_9000 calls me out for being a hater..And he's an expert. I can't win today. Good luck

/u/We_Are_9000 · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 11:08 · Link

Both myself & Jesus love you

/u/We_Are_9000 · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 06:00 · Link

You do that & I'll leak his mom's panties I scammed off her!!!!

/u/shitdottaxi · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 06:03 · Link

meh.. someone came and kicked the wind out of my fun sails.

/u/We_Are_9000 · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 06:07 · Link

Dude, I am one of the most hated & misunderstood guys in darknet history. Haters gonna hate & I'm gonna scam their moms panties. Be like a duck & let that shit roll off you!!!!

/u/kaizushi · N/A votes · 20th November, 2021 - 08:07 · Link

A clearnet IP for a clearnet site! Amazing!

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 20th November, 2021 - 19:27 · Link

How much you make this time godman?

/u/authentic · N/A votes · 21st November, 2021 - 16:34 · Link

Can you do this to google.com?

/u/finger_me_please69 · N/A votes · 19th November, 2021 - 21:38 · Link

Hahaha. LMAO