
N/A subscribers


the professionals?

by /u/Schapellecorby · 0 votes · 2022-08-29 11:41:00

Has anyone tried the professionals A grade or ultimate coke?

Comments (5)
/u/FUDPolice · N/A votes · 29th August, 2022 - 14:06 · Link

/u/Schapellecorby · N/A votes · 29th August, 2022 - 22:47 · Link

It could depends on who I give it to

/u/mouquet_farm · N/A votes · 29th August, 2022 - 23:27 · Link

"The marvelous mushrooms" how are you stealing my ideas

/u/supernormal · N/A votes · 30th August, 2022 - 01:07 · Link

New vendor here, I stock only the finest: The Beez Kneez 2CB Ultra Weight Loss Grade Meth Bhuddha Tier LSD Lung Cleanser Cannabis 9×19mm Parabellum Heroin Cat in a Hat Grade Cocaine

/u/sillycow · N/A votes · 30th August, 2022 - 15:59 · Link

Not gonna lie, kinda want that Cat in a Hat Cocaine lmao

/u/annon9876 · N/A votes · 31st August, 2022 - 06:04 · Link

ill take a ball of cat in the hat grade please sir!

/u/Tonicolletesparrot · N/A votes · 30th August, 2022 - 04:50 · Link

Their pitch is good isn't it? It reeled me in to disappointment. I wouldn't bother with them tbh. You get an average product that is possibly underweight and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over marketed. I wouldn't mind the quality if it wasn't for the price and ULTIMATE COKE!!!! WHOP WHOP WHOP *Que Airhorns* DJ KHALED! WE THA BEST!

/u/sillycow · N/A votes · 30th August, 2022 - 16:04 · Link

Personally I wouldn't go for this vendor again. At one point everyone here was absolutely raving about their current batch of speed - so I was like fuck it, why not. Treat myself. Average product that just showed up as meth on my reagent test kits. Like I shold have just bought actual good quality meth at that point. Not shitty speed-meth. I'm sure they've probably had some okay products in the past but eh, can't win em all.

/u/mostlyretarded · N/A votes · 31st August, 2022 - 11:45 · Link

Hey Schapelle, I understand you've been back home a while and are looking to get back into the game. But I'd keep lying low for now.

/u/KittyBangMeow · N/A votes · 4th September, 2022 - 06:52 · Link

I have twice. First batch was the most amazing coke I've ever had. Worth every cent. Second batch, price went up and was average at best. I'd find someone with consistency over these guys. Years ago you could bank on their gear, now... its hit or miss.