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Feather XMR wallet Wallet Sync taking forever, what's the issue?

by /u/WetSocks14 · 0 votes · 2024-04-27 00:12:00

I tried sending a payment, but I got the error 'Wallet is not synchronized, unable to create transaction. Wait for synchronization to complete". And in the bottom left, it says 'Wallet sync: 166999 blocks remaining". That number is slowly going down, but at a rate that would take weeks to get to 0.

I only have 6 transactions total over the past 2 years, but I have one coming in now that I can't access because of the wallet sync error. Also in case it's relevant, I'm running Feather 2.4.1 on Tails off a standard flash drive on an average computer with average internet speeds.

Has anyone had this issue? Anyone know of any fixes?

Comments (3)
/u/Amphora · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 00:17 · Link

Did you import your seed from an older wallet? If yes, that's the reason.

/u/WetSocks14 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 00:25 · Link

Don't really know what that means sorry :/

/u/MIsabotaj89 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 00:19 · Link

You should sync your wallet every couple of days so this doesn't happen.....thats gonna take a day or 2 to sync if you leave it on all the time....maybe a bit faster if you have good internet. I'm sorry bro it would be faster to create and sync a fresh wallet if the payment is urgent.

/u/MIsabotaj89 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 00:23 · Link

Unfortunately there's no "fix". You have to wait until it syncs....you could check the nodes and make sure they aren't onion nodes and feather isn't prioritizing a tor/sock5 connection for synchronization. Its probably not a big deal since your running tails and it will go faster....unless you set it up to be onion only nodes and tor prioritization for sync then the default settings are what you want for faster over security

/u/WetSocks14 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 00:35 · Link

Hm ok thanks for the help. I'll just have to wait it out. Looks like its going slightly faster than I thought; could be finished in a day or two I think

/u/pixie · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 00:42 · Link

It can be assumed that he "missed" the last big wave of monero network spam. I also have a special wallet that I rarely open - my laptop is usually switched on for around 5-6 hours a day. The last 4 times were not enough to synchronize everything since January. /u/WetSocks14: You'll have to be patient. What you could maybe alterntaively try is synchronizing with a pruned remote node, but I'm absolutely not sure if that really does the trick. I would wait and see, even if it seems a bit annoying at the moment.

/u/breakpoint · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 13:57 · Link

If you're using tails and you don't select tor prioritization does the sync happen via cleanet? I've seen conflicting opinions on this.

/u/MIsabotaj89 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 21:32 · Link

I think it depends on the node its downloading from although because tails torifies all applications it should still download over tor. Im not an expert tho. Im 100% sure that everytime i use an onion node it takes longer to sync than a clearnet node

/u/thebankster · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 10:16 · Link

close it and restart it