
N/A subscribers


Website stuck on captcha

by /u/Gazensanas · 0 votes · 4th April, 2022 05:14


Comments (2)
/u/Vito · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 14:10 · Link

Good day sir, What you are saying it is just not right. EndGame captcha and security check up page are the same algorithm, you cannot pass one without problems and getting stuck in the other. The security check up only affects to the search, profiles and messages; having different limitations for each thing. Even if you need to fill again the captcha it is not showed if you go directly to the home (/), balance (/balance) or the rest of the website. Do you want to withdraw your coins? Just go to /balance and do it, what you are saying does not apply to the wallet url. Best regards

/u/Gazensanas · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 09:54 · Link

Nah still not working, just gunna move markets, sketchy.