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Zelle - Apple Pay - Ect to Monero

by /u/FL_CokeDealer · 0 votes · 2024-05-06 22:01:00

I am your average small time college dealer. I've built a decent following selling drugs to college students and I am looking for a way to receive payments through Zelle or Apple Pay. I had the idea of using a P2P platform to convert Zelle payments from my customers into Monero. When someone wanted to purchase something they would send money to a vendor on Local Monero, and the vendor would send me Monero. While I like this idea in general, there are two main issues with it.
1) Sometimes my customers are laggy with payments. I'll set up a session on Local Monero and my customers won't be ready to send the payment fast enough. In addition I have to deal with setting up a trade session each time one of my customers want to pay me which can be tedious.
2) My customers get nervous sending money to a P2P vendor. Something that I've worked hard on is trying to make my customers feel as calm as possible while buying drugs. They tend to not like receiving texts from a P2P vendor, and sending money to some random person.

What I am looking for:
For multiple reasons there are times where I need to receive money through Zelle instead of cash. What I would love is if my customers could simply send money to some account, and whenever that account recives money I will get a payment in Monero. Some automated system would be perfect, where my customers wouldn't receive texts from random P2P vendors, and they can send the money at any time convenient for them.

Comments (2)
/u/localnoderunner · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 00:15 · Link

Give them ChangeNOW, then they pay trough credit card and you get monero. But think to use a new monero address each time.

/u/pinkybusiness · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 17:20 · Link

You beat me to this.

/u/FL_CokeDealer · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 01:02 · Link

Kind of goes back to the customers feeling comfortable thing. People won't want to put their debit card into a random website they got from a drug dealer, they would however most likely be fine with sending money through Zelle / Apple Pay.

/u/localnoderunner · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 13:26 · Link

It's litteraly the same thing lmao & ChangeNOW (a regulated provider) is here since a very very long time.

/u/boogieshoes · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 01:50 · Link

They don't need to know it's a localmonero vendor, it's just some zelle drop account you have. You handle the localmonero on the backend, they don't need to know you're getting XMR. Setting up a trade and middle manning information and all that everytime sounds like quite a hassle, but depends how you run your business too.

/u/FL_CokeDealer · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 02:37 · Link

It is defantly a hassle managnig all of it, which is why I am looking for an easier alternative. Additionally when you purchase XMR through a LocalMonero vendor, the vendor will often ask for the phone number that is sending the money and communicate with them, which is what makes my customers nervous and is something I am trying to avoid.

/u/monero_desk_support · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 13:21 · Link

the one with the lower rates are usually the ones asking kyc information. You will need to accept that the value of buying monero without kyc is higher in price. But your goal raise a very important point. p2p exchange without liquidity is more difficult than an exchange with liquidity. Serai is fixing that, but only for crypto, not with fiat like cex. Haveno have fiat support but fix only the centralized part of localmonero, it will still be with manual p2p transactions. How can you make a decentralized liquid pool of fiat ? I'm not sure that is possible. Just a note: I'm astonished that anyone thinks it's a good idea to transfer fiat with an app to a drug dealer instead of using physical cash.

/u/flyicarus · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 16:29 · Link

Why would they need to communicate with the buyer? Do you not have a burner with localmonero apk on it? JUst inititiate a trade when you meet the buyer and tell them to send the money to the Zelle the localmonero seller uses and wait for the monero to be released to whatever wallet you use.