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(Local)Monero routing conundrum

by /u/axim22 · 0 votes · 2023-12-22 02:43:00

Hey Folks,

I just recently joined the Darkest of Nets and I have already made my share of beginner mistakes. Fortunately, many of you mentioned the DNM Bible as a vital reading material, so I went through it cover-to-cover.
I'm slowly assembling the environment that is recommended by the Bible, but there are some parts that are not entirely clear to me.

The most important at the moment is the routing of Monero. My intention is to follow the

Exchange -> Monero wallet (on Tails) -> Market

formula. I'm using LocalMonero for buying Monero on the site and then sending the coins to the Tails (Feather) wallet. What complicates this somewhat that I can't buy directly into my LocalMonero wallet, just to an external wallet, for example a local (GUI) wallet on my computer. Then, I can send the Moneros from the wallet on my computer to LocalMonero, and from there, I can sent it to the Feather wallet on Tails.
The problem with this is that it has this loop (LM -> computer wallet -> LM) and the fact that the wallet is on the host computer defeats the idea of keeping DNM activity separate from everything else (not to mention that it makes it über suspicious to LE when they search my computer). I want TOR, Monero and other DNM related software only on the Tails drive.

I'm sorry if this situation has already been reported and solved in this or other subdreads, but, unfortunately, I haven't seen any posts that describe this exact same problem.

Are there any ways to make the process more optimal and more secure?

Thanks in advance.

Comments (3)
/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 03:06 · Link

You got it! As long as you send XMR [from] your OWN wallet to the Marketplace there is nothing further needed. Your task is complete.

/u/axim22 · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 07:31 · Link

Thanks, this sounds reassuring. :)

/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 23rd December, 2023 - 03:03 · Link

Anytime, /u/axim22

/u/slimparsnip · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 03:32 · Link

Hi and welcome. I am a little confused here. Correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that you are using the clearnet (on your everyday computer?) to buy monero from LocalMonero and then sending it from there to your feather wallet on Tails? And your concern is that you've got a trail from your IRL identity to your Tails/DN activities? If I've got that right my first question is, how are you buying monero on LM? Cash by mail? An app like CashApp? Regardless, the beauty of monero is that it is essentially digital cash which cannot really be traced. So once you've moved it around from LM to feather wallet and beyond, it's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to pin back to you. But it would help to understand your process/concerns a little better. You're head is in the right place.

/u/axim22 · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 07:30 · Link

Hi! Yes, one part of concern is that it might be traceable, although I am not at all versed well in the XMR technology. So what I'm doing is buy XMR with other cryptocurrency on LM (there are these auctions on the start page) -> send the XMR to my GUI wallet -> send it to the LR wallet -> then to Tails. I'm wondering if this path could be shortened, preferably omitting or replacing the part with the GUI wallet.

/u/slimparsnip · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 19:59 · Link

You could go from LM->Feather wallet (tails)->DNM. It's not a bad idea to add an extra jump in there even if it's another wallet on tails but probably not necessary, especially if you are only buying personal amounts.

/u/axim22 · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 11:27 · Link

Is it OK if I buy XMR on LM straight to the Tails wallet, instead of the regular wallet on my computer? That way, I could avoid having Monero software installed on my computer.

/u/slimparsnip · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 20:00 · Link

Yep. That's probably what the vast majority of people here do.

/u/axim22 · N/A votes · 22nd December, 2023 - 20:25 · Link

Thanks! That's the route I'll take then.