
N/A subscribers


DNM Bible Link

by /u/Battery · 0 votes · 21st March, 2021 14:29

I would like to inform the moderators of the sub and /u/Shakybeats that the link you have listed in the description does not work.

Comments (2)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 21st March, 2021 - 18:35 · Link

/u/samwhiskey That URL was getting attacked by a mass get attacked and it was having a bad fucking time trying to get back online. I'll be getting another server separate from the dread cluster and setting it up to handle it. That will come after I release the new endgame today.

/u/samwhiskey · N/A votes · 21st March, 2021 - 18:45 · Link

Great! I knew you were working on it but didn't want people to start tagging you and bugging the shit out of you about it unnecessarily.

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 21st March, 2021 - 20:35 · Link

Thanks, but like paris said. Some asshole is attacking the bible onion. Why? Well some people are just assholes.

/u/Battery · N/A votes · 21st March, 2021 - 20:42 · Link

There is not any reason for attack the bible onion. Lmao people are strangers.