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Tails on Macbook Pro 14.1 2017

by /u/MrPTDacktor · 0 votes · 2020-11-05 20:58:00

Hi there

Can anyone please help me.

I have never been able to get Tails to work on my Macbook Pro 14.1 2017 - especially the wifi (Broadcom). I have tried multiple times following various guides on Github etc. but I am obviously doing something wrong and I'm now wondering if it is that the fact that machine is running the following firmware - Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( AirPortDriverBrcmNIC-1615.1) - which is simply incompatible no matter what I do.

Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give?


Comments (2)
/u/mitch999conner · N/A votes · 5th November, 2020 - 21:00 · Link

ive always heard macs are bad for tails never tried tho, sounds like you might need another laptop mate

/u/MrPTDacktor · N/A votes · 5th November, 2020 - 21:11 · Link

Thanks mate. You're right, macs are shiiit for most things opsec wise. I had another laptop but it's just died on me and so was hoping I could get tails working on a macbook I have while i get it replaced. Funds are a bit tight right now!

/u/mitch999conner · N/A votes · 5th November, 2020 - 21:14 · Link

well if the wifi thing dont pop up at all it could be incompatable nothin you can do about it but IF it has a cable to connect somekind of wifi or hotspot to it may work but again ive never tried i just know i had a computer that wasnt mac and i had wifi problems cause the wifi card wasnt compatible

/u/MrPTDacktor · N/A votes · 6th November, 2020 - 05:10 · Link

Problem solved...forgot about an old 2014 HP i3 laptop I had. Tried tails in it and it works perfectly straight out of the box!

/u/holydiver13 · N/A votes · 6th November, 2020 - 02:49 · Link

Use one of the usb wifi like tails document on their site.