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by /u/qwepoi · 0 votes · 15th December, 2020 20:39

I just wanted to share my WHM experience as there always seem to be many complaints and just depressive posts.

I don't post much, I just like to lurk on dread as i find it interesting. I don't know much about ospec or computers or anything like that and have been using the dark net as a small personal buyer for a number of years. After Empire shut down i was lost af, that market was made for easy of use/loosing money haha. I research loads and decided WHM was my best option.

I really struggled with it at first but honestly it was a preconception that certain things where more difficult than the reality. I learnt PGP through YouTube and short guides which took way way to long and now its very evident there was nothing difficult about it.

I hated the idea of using XMR same as PGP it was just fear of the unknown for no real reason. I used the exchange for several transactions and had several issues - one of which was answered almost immediately by /u/Mr_white which was crazy the time was taken to respond personally. Other issues have been with late invoice payments due to me using bitcoin poorly - I followed the instruction word for word and each time (more than 5) i got my coin back with no issue. Due to this continuing to happen i reluctantly learnt XMR and it was so so so straight forward.. there was nothing to it at all and i can barely change the background light setting on my computer...

Most recently i had my first dispute ever with a vendor, i followed the instructions which where so clear there was no more clarification possible, i waited the time frame, didn't send repeated messages and the refund was given exactly on time specified!

My opinion on this is for people that aren't so tech savvy and think its difficult.. Its not. Or its not if WHM didn't spell it out word for word which they do. I don't need or really want to understand why they enforce these various security measure but it gives me peace of mind they do. If anything WMH is actually looking out for less aware users not making it difficult!!

Comments (8)
/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 16th December, 2020 - 00:54 · Link

I hated the idea of using XMR same as PGP it was just fear of the unknown for no real reason. Thank you for pushing through this, it is the exact reason markets haven't evolved over the last few years, same goes for the adoption of BTC Multi-sig usage. There is absolutely nothing complex about these technologies that your average joe could not understand. This is also one of the main reasons that I am happy to actually share my own opinion that WHM is a fantastic market, very well thought through and pushes best security practices. This is what we need and should have been doing for a long time, its unfortunate that users have always flocked to the easiest to use market to avoid such concepts. I'm also very fond of Versus for enforcing Multisig. Anyone still avoiding to learn PGP, XMR or Multi-signature BTC transactions are in for one hell of an awakening soon, it needs to be forced upon the users, this is the absolute basics of how business should be conducted. Edit: As other's mentioned and I forgot to, the problem also lies with greedy market admins who pay no regard to these things and want to make as much money in as little time as possible.

/u/publicactive · N/A votes · 16th December, 2020 - 04:08 · Link

Agreed, best market around at the moment. I never understood how more security can be bad, inconvenient sure, but it's better than a few years in jail and an IRS bill.

/u/eccorealize · N/A votes · 16th December, 2020 - 11:37 · Link

The reason we see negative posts most of the time is because someone who has a positive experience is likely to just go on with their life and enjoy their drugs but someone who has a "problem" is going to complain. It's good to show appreciation though. A lot of people who complain did something wrong or are just plain impatient.

/u/Heliumadmin · N/A votes · 15th December, 2020 - 21:15 · Link

You have my upvote bruh and you know what the admin isn't greedy unlike any other market owner out their and lets just say he was greedy than he ought to use BTC which most people use but this admin decided that it's more safe to use privacy coin like XMR instead of BTC (where all the transaction are open to world to see) As for my experience i can tell that the admin of WHM are here to do business cause the XMR price don't fluctuate that much unlike BTC and yes it's true that we all need to make money but he isn't here to exit scam on you that i guarantee You don't trust me? H3-H3 geddit?? Been here since **** PEACE OUT

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 15th December, 2020 - 21:23 · Link

Thanks man, appreciate it.

/u/Heliumadmin · N/A votes · 15th December, 2020 - 21:41 · Link

Pleasure is all mine

/u/DartfordCross1ng · N/A votes · 16th December, 2020 - 02:15 · Link

Good post. As a relatively new user I agree wholeheartedly.

/u/sour_skittles135 · N/A votes · 16th December, 2020 - 10:39 · Link

Man, I know so many people who got fucked by Empire. Total shit show.

/u/Reviews4you · N/A votes · 16th December, 2020 - 11:09 · Link

Agreed, People will learn to adapt.