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1k Bounty for CGMC Scrape

by /u/HugBunter · 0 votes · 2019-10-06 00:44:00

If anyone out there has any scrapes of CGMC that includes at minimum the following:

  • Vendor username
  • PGP Key
  • Total sales/feedback

I am offering a 1k bounty for this scrape as the data is required for archival purposes. Please get in touch and anyone who is willing to further fund this bounty it would be really appreciated as it may encourage anyone with access to academic archives of such data to come forward and supply this.

An extra $500 if the scrapes include the vendor's feedback and is dated between 2018-2019.

This is one of the only established markets I am missing crucial data for and research has led me to believe there are no public archives available. I have high hopes that there are even phishers out there that this post can appeal to as you may have a static copy of the market you used for phishing purposes.

I held off on scraping them due to their implementation of my API for gathering this data, however their untimely closure meant that I was left without it.

I would also be interested to hear from anyone who has an AlphaBay scrape that is more up to date than that of Gwern's archives, possibly a 2016/2017 scrape. I am aware of the existance of multiple academic scrapes for this, which I would not be able to access.

Edit: Before it is suggested, Michael McKenna and Sigi Goode's 2017 AlphaBay scrape does not contain any relevant data.

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