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Binance delists XMR, Basic Swap steps in as an Atomic Swap-based unstoppable on-ramp w/Dr. Kapil & CG / (MT #299)

by /u/monerotalk 路 0 votes 路 2024-02-14 03:04:00

TODAY'S 馃帣SHOW: Douglas Tuman catches up with Dr. Kapil and CG of the BasicSwap team. Basicswap participated in last years MoneroTopia and we hope to have them again this year in Argentina.

In this episode they discuss the progress that has been made since presenting at MoneroTopia23, the latest functionality and the roadmap of the BasicSwap decentralized exchange (DEX). They provide an overview of the team, the atomic swap implementation that basic swap uses, user experience, and plans to improve accessibility.

Key metrics about usage and liquidity are shared, as well as thoughts on driving adoption into the future. Special thanks to BasicSwap for being one of the first to build the decentralized bridges Monero needs to flourish, in-spite of the delistings from centralized exchanges.

Watch Here (YouTube) 鉃★笍 https://youtu.be/7bhQNgVoeq8
Watch Here (Odysee) 鉃★笍 https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/binance-delists-xmr%2C-basicswap-steps-in:f
Listen Here 馃帶: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-kapil-basicswap-epi-299

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Comments (2)
/u/PoundCake1738 路 N/A votes 路 14th February, 2024 - 17:33 Link


/u/IcyGrape 路 N/A votes 路 15th February, 2024 - 01:20 Link

It's good to see that efforts are being made to address liquidity.