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Information on the continued Feather wallet scam and its assocation with the scam exchanges XMRto and Morphtoken.

by /u/featherscam · 0 votes · 4th January, 2021 23:02

Please see my post history if you are unaware of the previous information I shared a few weeks ago.

It was brought to my attention today that another Dread user has been conned by the user/group /u/Thotbot by using the Feather wallet and by extension Morphscript and Morphtoken. You can see that post here⚠️.

In addition to that disturbing revelation it appears that the Feather wallet scammers have pretended to remove the XMRto service from the program as you can see on the "repository" (not the one they really use to compile the program) here⚠️.

If you decide to visit the repository I highly suggest using a disposable Whonix VM from inside Qubes as the repository website may execute malicious Javascript if you don't have it turned off, though this has not been tested fully.

Whatever you do, do not download Feather under any circumstances. The binaries being distributed may contain XMR stealing malware via the XMRto and Morphtoken exchange function. In addition, it may also include malware to search and steal other cryptocurrencies from the same drive (e.g. from wallets such as Electrum or MetaMask).

I kindly ask this post not be removed for spreading FUD as it is simply the facts and the facts only. Shakyboots was responsible for removing much of my account's content as they may be getting a kickback for introducing people to the XMR stealing wallet. I ask that /u/Paris please investigates this.

Comments (9)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:21 · Link

The binaries being distributed may contain XMR stealing malware via the XMRto and Morphtoken exchange function. May? If you make claims like what you are making you best reference the fucking code. XMR stealing malware being a fucking reference to an exchange? This is a load of bullshit. Recently XMR.to and Morphtoken has started blocking Tor exit nodes. he binaries being distributed may contain XMR stealing malware via the XMRto and Morphtoken exchange function. In addition, it may also include malware to search and steal other cryptocurrencies from the same drive (e.g. from wallets such as Electrum or MetaMask). Reference in source? The whole fucking thing is open source. This is complete and utter bullshit. There is absolutely no proof of this from when I overviewed the code. This is bullshit and pure FUD. Downvoted and moved on.

/u/featherscam · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:23 · Link

If you had read my post you would have seen that I clearly stated that the public repository is not the same code that has actually built the release on the website. I hope you're not in on this.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:36 · Link

You are saying the binaries are compromised and complied to have XMR stealing code. Except you don't provide the de-complied code which would prove this claim. All your concern is simply that the repo code somehow doesn't match up with the complied code. That is easy as fuck to prove if that is the case. Releases also will lag behind code pushes. The last release was on the 25th of December and the last code push is 9 hours ago. Of course there will be differences between the release and the source code because releases lag behind code pushes. Your claims are baseless, paranoid, and overall just FUD. If you don't trust it, don't use it. Simple as that.

/u/SoloMinx · N/A votes · 4th January, 2021 - 23:35 · Link

So I need to get my xmr off feather immediatly and delete the program?

/u/Thotbot · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 06:38 · Link

Their accusations are false⚠️.

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:00 · Link

Much of your profile? I removed two things because you were spreading clear fud, and misinformation that was harmful to the community. Keep spamming on random posts though, and I'll just ban your account. Also please find one post where I told people what wallet to use. Hey /u/Thotbot you forgot my kickbacks this week.

/u/Thotbot · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 06:12 · Link

I can't believe I'm wasting my time responding to this. All your accusations are false. Here is a timeline of events in regards to MorphToken: 2 November 2020 The first report comes in that MorphToken may withhold funds until support is contacted. I respond a few days later that I remain cautiously optimistic⚠️ as it hasn't been the first time in their 3 year run that they've had temporary issues. It is worth mentioning that up until this point MorphToken had built up a reputation for their quick support and reliable service. 11 November 2020 MorphToken was added⚠️ to Feather as an alternative to XMR.to in responsive to their blogpost⚠️ about increased IP blocking efforts. 12 December 2020 I lose faith in MorphToken⚠️ and tell people to start looking for alternatives after having received multiple credible reports from users getting their funds withheld until support is contacted and add a warning to the wiki⚠️. 17 December 2020 The first reports⚠️ come in that MorphToken started blocking all Tor exits 20 December 2020 MorphToken was removed⚠️ from the source code 25 December 2020 Beta-3 is released⚠️ which no longer included MorphToken There have been no reports of users losing funds with MorphToken. From the reports I received, when asked to enter into contact with support you are given the option to get your deposit refunded. have pretended to remove the XMRto service No. It's still in the repository⚠️ and I never pretended to remove it. XMR.to is not a scam⚠️. If you have evidence that suggests otherwise it will be removed. The binaries being distributed may contain XMR stealing malware via the XMRto and Morphtoken exchange function. Did you know that the Feather linux release binary is reproducible? That means you can compile the source code yourself and get exactly the same binary! Go ahead, give it a spin. The instructions are here⚠️. If your accusations are correct there must be a backdoor somewhere in the source code. The burden of proof is on you now. Point me out the line of code that supposedly steals your money and I'll send you 100 XMR.

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 07:15 · Link

He's just making shit up at this point. Last time he was claiming we don't even know who wrote it the code was written by someone different. That XMR.to is a scam site, and a bunch of other FUD. I left this up so people can clearly see how much FUD he is trying to spread.

/u/Thotbot · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 07:24 · Link

Yeah, I think he's just trying to extort me for some XMR: https://i.ibb.co/wzcbZ8J/featherscam.png⚠️

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 07:44 · Link

Now it's all starting to come together.

/u/Monolith · N/A votes · 4th January, 2021 - 23:54 · Link

Following. I just used feather XMR.to for a small amount and it worked. Less than $50 though. I have used feather a few weeks ago to convert $2500 BTC-XMR with morphtoken and had no issues although with the recent negative talk surrounding morphtoken I've been using cakewallet instead and have converted around $7k with 0 issues. They use changenow.

/u/loftip22 · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 00:20 · Link

Are changeNOW asking for ID verification if not what amounts are you changeing for this,also will changenow allow for TOR usage without any issues being raised

/u/Monolith · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 00:51 · Link

No they do not. It is non-kyc and I have changed $7k btc/ltc to xmr in the last two weeks. I use cakewallet on mobile with VPN so I don't know whether they allow Tor usage or not.

/u/dreadditard · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 01:34 · Link

I have used feather since it launched and haven't had any problems other than the wallet sometimes freezing. I haven't used XMR.to or Morphtoken though so can't comment on these. Maybe /u/Thotbot can comment?

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:07 · Link

I knew that fucking wallet was a god damned scam the day I heard about it.

/u/InDgeNtA · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:20 · Link

I've been using feather wallet for a while now and no issues besides freezing. Is this only having to do with the morphing??

/u/InDgeNtA · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:29 · Link

I hope somebody can clear this up because these are serious allegations. I've been using feather for a while with no issues and would like to keep using it.

/u/lockeddoor · N/A votes · 7th January, 2021 - 21:30 · Link

They have already cleared it up. Paris and Shaky both say this is FUD. If any part of it was true they would be the first to let everyone know because they prioritize our safety. They are just good people.

/u/InDgeNtA · N/A votes · 8th January, 2021 - 00:34 · Link

yea, I was glad to see this because I like the feather wallet. Been working quite well for me.

/u/lockeddoor · N/A votes · 8th January, 2021 - 07:22 · Link

I use feather too and has been flawless

/u/bootleg · N/A votes · 8th January, 2021 - 19:26 · Link

Feather has been hands-down the best wallet available to our community.