
N/A subscribers



by /u/Wipsy · 0 votes · 19th January, 2021 21:22


Comments (2)
/u/InDgeNtA · N/A votes · 19th January, 2021 - 21:43 · Link

You might be better off getting onto a market. I think most people are like me - don't trust dd's and prefer the safety of market escrow.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 19th January, 2021 - 21:53 · Link

Do not advertise fent on dread. This is your only warning. You do it again you will get banned.

/u/Wipsy · N/A votes · 20th January, 2021 - 01:24 · Link

I asked on another post if it was allowed, but then again i realize now it was another user not admin that replied my bad

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 20th January, 2021 - 04:54 · Link

We should probably put that on the rules page.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 20th January, 2021 - 07:03 · Link

We made posts about it before. But ya we need to get the wording in writing.