
N/A subscribers


We got hacked..

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 17th March, 2020 20:01


Comments (5)
/u/InformationEater · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 20:23 · Link

Retard you only announce this AFTER you get exposed? I hope you lost all the trust of your users, if you weren't exposed you wouldn't have told your users about this concern which could have fucked their life over their money. You aren't able to run a market, close it before the feds do it for you.

/u/Vergilius · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 15:28 · Link

Your words are empty, when we have already corrected everything, you lose relevance.

/u/InformationEater · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 22:17 · Link

My words could be empty but they will never be as worthless as yours ahahahahahaha. You just showed how incompetent you are by not immediately acknowledging the breach, you just tried to hide it. Also you left a shell upload vulnerability like this, fucking noobs. See you failed or in jail soon.

/u/Vergilius · N/A votes · 19th March, 2020 - 22:31 · Link

AHAHAHAH, I heard you, asshole.

/u/SickOfTheGame · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 23:10 · Link

Well relax kids... you don't know if this is just a marketing-gag. Creating Shop A to be hacked by Shop B (which is yours too) by a "he-has-to-be-good-to-be-competent-to-hack-so-we-can-trust-his-security" guy sounds a bit... hollywood.... Both shops could be fake. I mean cmon we are talking about 0.15btc... 3days old shop... Wait, drink your tea and see whats going to to happen...

/u/HumanPie · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 23:59 · Link

It's not about market competition or putting these platforms on scales. It's about buyer/vendor security.

/u/Stackz_BigBlue_PR · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 20:52 · Link


/u/crackheaddom101 · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 21:36 · Link

They wont patch it, mark my word, either me or ghostwrite will get in again and poop them

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 22:04 · Link

You find a flaw in this case uploading a simple shell which is fast to fast. We saw everything in the logs happened but it was to late.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 22:18 · Link

This is a lie.

/u/TheNerdyAnarchist · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 22:33 · Link

The fact that they keep lying like this and simply attacking the source (e.g. Flavius spouting off like a child in your other thread) instead of simply saying "yo, we fucked up by doing X, and we're fixing it with Y" is making this whole situation look even worse for them. This is even ignoring that this was a "secure your onion service 101" level fuck up, which alone should prevent anyone from wanting to deal with them ever again to begin with.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 23:31 · Link


/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 22:58 · Link

/u/YosemiteGhostWrite He is saying he pays all stolen funds back right. Haven't lost anything or so. But be happy he hacked you in the start.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 23:29 · Link

:-) I will.

/u/skinnypete · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 03:28 · Link

what have you learned ? dont be one of the first on every new market my friend.. happy this time you did wiser. there is hope ;)

/u/Flavius · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 23:04 · Link

Even if he doesn't return them, we will still return them to you out of our own pocket.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 17th March, 2020 - 23:28 · Link

I mark your words /u/Flavius I have records of all missing funds, so start and pay the vendors back. :-)

/u/Flavius · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 00:16 · Link

You will also return them, I remember your words! :-)

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 00:23 · Link

Splendid! :-)

/u/LAK · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 06:57 · Link

splendid, except either one outta yall aint gonna do so or neither, but thank you /u/YosemiteGhostWrite , next time these apollon amateurs try setting up an ancient-word-flavoured exit scam well have our guard up right from the beginning. tho i do wonder who fell for them in the first place?

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 16:47 · Link

I will stand to my word, in this world we only have our word and our balls, someone once told me. :-) About 800 users signed up, some vendors even bought the vendorship on their site.

/u/ncov-19 · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 07:26 · Link

The way i see it, you owe /u/YosemiteGhostWrite a thank you. Obviously you have no fuckin idea what you are doing and you where risking not only your freedom but also every customers freedom. Cut your losses and move on. Consider this an educational experience.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 17:00 · Link

That's what I think as well. :-)