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OpSec tip of the week - Operating Systems

by /u/Shakybeats · 0 votes · 8th August, 2023 20:08

Going to try and start a new weekly post with basic Opsec tips and reminders. If you have a good one message in modmail, and we might crosspost it for the week!

This week we are going to discuss operating systems, and the importance of choosing the right one.

First we will discuss windows and mac. Both are shit for your opsec. Here is a good article from the Whonix Devs explaining why Windows, and Mac are not good Host operating systems. It covers backdoors and ways you could potentially hurt your opsec.


You might think, well I'm a small time buyer, or I am just browsing it can't hurt anything.
Sure you could buy with Windows or Mac, but these tools are designed to help keep you safe when things go wrong. You might place 5 orders, and never have an issue. The point is you should still take your opsec seriously for when the worst case does happen.

Secure Operating systems

Secure operating systems are ones that are designed with security in mind. They are hardened, and make it a lot less likely your information could fall into the wrong hands. It's also important to remember, if you go fucking with settings, and changing things in your OS it can compromise any operating system.

First we will cover Tails. You can find more information about them on their subdread /d/tails

Tails is a basic operating system based on Debian. It comes with all the tools any newbie will need to get started. Tails is designed to run off almost any USB stick, and will encrypt your data if you enable persistence. If you are not very tech savvy or not familiar with Linux environments this is a great option for you to use. It's simple and ready to work out of the box.

Whonix/host os(Debian, Fedora) I'm not going to go into great details using Whonix. You can read about it using on their website, or in the /d/dnmbible The important thing you want to remember is you still need a good host operating system. If you are running Whonix in a VB on windows or Mac it might as well be useless. This option is a good intermediate setup. If you don't know how to encrypt your data yourself, or how to properly keep your system up to date it's better to stick with Tails.

Qubes/Whonix If done properly, this is a very advance setup, but it is one of the most secure ones you can use. Qubes is your host operating system, with Whonix baked right into it! It works by compartmentalizing everything. Again if you are not very tech savvy, or not familiar with Linux it's better to stick with tails. You could potentially hurt your opsec if you do not know what you are doing.

Comments (7)
/u/partytime · N/A votes · 8th August, 2023 - 21:26 · Link

Simple, concise, and to the point, mate. I like it. Good go!

/u/jackroberts · N/A votes · 8th August, 2023 - 22:16 · Link

Thank you for repeating the repeated!

/u/Byt3s · N/A votes · 8th August, 2023 - 23:36 · Link

Great post and reminder—I up-voted it.

/u/decree-antics · N/A votes · 9th August, 2023 - 09:50 · Link

What computer spec is best to run qubes?

/u/Byt3s · N/A votes · 9th August, 2023 - 13:57 · Link

The optimal computer specifications for running /d/Qubes OS depend on various factors, including your specific needs and preferences. It is preferable to have a system with sufficient RAM, a powerful processor, and ample storage space to ensure optimal performance and seamless multitasking within the Qubes environment. To obtain comprehensive recommendations and information on device compatibility, I recommend consulting the official Qubes documentation or community forums. Check out the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) on the Qubes OS website, it will help you make an informed decision.

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 9th August, 2023 - 19:29 · Link

Check the link I left in the post. You can find the hardware requirements under Qubes. https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/system-requirements/ You will also want a lot of ram

/u/tordotwatch · N/A votes · 9th August, 2023 - 09:58 · Link

Thank you for post. I am a fan of Debian based distros, Whonix. On Qubes I still learning to use properly. What is your opinion about opensource firmware, bios? Coreboot, seabios?

/u/ratapeluaqw · N/A votes · 14th September, 2023 - 17:31 · Link

can you recommend 2 debian based os? i am trying to change my ubuntu os but not sure what to pick i was thinking fedora but i would like to get 2 options from you thanks

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 14th September, 2023 - 19:09 · Link

Depends what you are trying to do. Tails is debian based, and comes with everything you need, and will encrypt for you. If you're trying for a different setup you can just use debian as your host but you will need to encrypt everything.

/u/ratapeluaqw · N/A votes · 14th September, 2023 - 20:48 · Link

mostly fraud related stuff i'm getting qubes os rn my pc is compatible with it and use whonix. i will take me a while to setup and understand it but its the best safest way possible i was trying to find something a lil bit more easy that's the reason i asked wihich host os you recommend i was between fedora + vm with whonix but i was looking for another recommendation

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 14th September, 2023 - 21:41 · Link

Try regular Debian. It's very easy to use especially if you are familiar with other flavors that are based on it.

/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 8th August, 2023 - 20:08 · Link

[removed by staff]