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Your Market Forum - asking vendors to post in public their complete history of the criminal activity, signed with their private keys

by /u/Saraswati · 0 votes · 2020-03-02 12:13:00

Good day all.

Monopoly market is a wonderful and has very good concepts to it, and I do dearly wish for it to flourish.

Part of the problem that I personally have is everything is aired out in public in the monopoly forums.

In mainstream markets, dialogue between the " Market Administration" and the Vendor is private and
discussions between market administration and buyers is also private.

It is paramount for all involved in illicit market to have privacy in their communications.

But your Monopoly Market hangs all the dirty laundry out for the world, including Law Enforcement to See and Save.

Lets consider your vendor application page on your Monopoly Forums (which any member or non member can read)

Vendor Application:


Exact Vendor Name(s):
Your Vendor Name(s)

Dread Username:
Your Dread Username

Your Public PGP Key (We will check this PGP matches other markets)

Insert Here
Identity Verification (Sign the message below with the key provided above)
My vendor name is [Insert YOUR vendor name] and I confirm I am applying for Monopoly

Current Markets:
Answer Here (List all of the markets you are currently vending on complete with the amount of feedback you have, if you use different vendor names on markets you should obviously inform us of this so we can actually verify your accounts.)

Past Markets:
Answer Here (List all of your past markets including the amount of feedback you had to the best of your ability, if you used different vendor names you need to also inform us of this.)

FE Permissions:
Answer Here (State which markets you have/had FE permissions on.)

Products You Sell:
Answer Here (List the products you sell.)

Lowest Priced Product for Sale:
Answer Here (Insert the lowest product value/amount you sell.)

Highest Priced Product for Sale:
Answer Here (Insert the highest product value/amount you sell.)

What payment methods do you use:
Bitcoin and/or Monero

Are you ready to sell immediately:
Answer Here (We do not accept vendors for them to remain inactive.)

Additional Notes:
Answer Here (Anything else you may wish to tell us about.)


All this Private and Confidential information, posted publicly would be a treasure trove of information for Law Enforcement to see and record !!!

** Here you are asking vendors to post in public their complete history of the criminal activity, signed with their private keys.**

This information, in my humble opinion should be private communications only between the vendor and market admin.

Lets be realistic. This is a serious breach of security and risk that a vendor would really want to think hard and long about doing.

Lets face it, to post such information would amount to an "Idiot Test" for a vendor to do so.

This is not an attack on you dear Moderator, or your market. It is a discussion on something which someone needs to rings the alarm bells.

But I do have a responsibility to send a wake-up alarm in the market place forums on any market's policy to which I feel poses a security risk for vendors and buyers getting busted.

I urge you to give your head a good shake

- discussion please


Comments (1)
/u/buy1get1free · N/A votes · 18th March, 2020 - 14:21 · Link

I agree. Big risk for vendors and it does not make sense at all. Monopoly market can still offer the same application form but in a private message not public. So why is this shit has to be PUBLIC? Someone needs to answer this question.