
N/A subscribers


Remove/Replace thread mod

by /u/adruguser · 0 votes · 13th November, 2018 20:49


Comments (1)
/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 13th November, 2018 - 21:02 · Link

He exit scammed, he was actually a Dread mod before that too. Was unaware there were left over subs from his ban, thought they were all claimed. I can add you as a Mod and remove him if you'd like, if you want to take the task of finding some new Moderators for this place who are suitable for running it, if not yourself :)

/u/adruguser · N/A votes · 13th November, 2018 - 21:06 · Link

whatever im bored lol let's have it! that's a fucking serious bummer, met this guy on hansa and watched him move from a interested darknet user into a moonshine/cannabis vendor. i really liked the guy :(