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Bypass Alcohol Bretho Interlocks

by /u/recoilmanipulation · 0 votes · 2023-03-25 21:07:00

I have to get one installed in my vehicle soon does anyone know any tricks to bypass it. Does the makita blower trick really work? I have people telling me it takes face scans now. any help much appreciated.

Comments (7)
/u/partytime · N/A votes · 25th March, 2023 - 21:11 · Link

I would stop drinking and driving, meself, mate. You're just asking for trouble trying to circumvent the process. Just my 2 satoshis worth on the subject.

/u/HeadyGarcia · N/A votes · 26th March, 2023 - 00:50 · Link

This 100% I have a friend who has a DUI and a couple driving on suspended and the amount of time and money it's going to take to get his license back is mind boggling

/u/heyfriend · N/A votes · 25th March, 2023 - 23:01 · Link

Brah the point is to not drink and drive. Cops will guaranteed put your licence plate in their scanner. You could Inhale alcohol (vaportini). Feel the buzz quick. Bypass the liver. It exits the bloodstream much quicker.

/u/morlvob · N/A votes · 26th March, 2023 - 00:08 · Link

some do come with cameras, just depends on what you get

/u/CreatureComforts · N/A votes · 26th March, 2023 - 10:43 · Link

Google ANPR technology. You're highly likely to get caught whatever you do. Just not worth it.

/u/polarbear987 · N/A votes · 6th April, 2023 - 13:44 · Link

Not sure what only highway patrol cars and heavily used parts of main cities like Melbourne have to do with the convo. ANPR is expensive, its not on your regular cop cars, speed cameras.

/u/bigsmack29 · N/A votes · 27th March, 2023 - 03:38 · Link

I got a great idea - don't drink and drive.

/u/ihatefarts · N/A votes · 6th April, 2023 - 10:03 · Link

seriously i would always try to find a way around anything.... But the interlock systems these days a hectic! Every time you got to service and wiring has been tempted with automatic loss of license and maximum sentence they can throw at you. Honestly be very careful you even do or say in the car those cameras and microphones are always recording and can be used against you in court

/u/baccybong · N/A votes · 10th April, 2023 - 13:45 · Link

Your mileage may vary depending on state and region (I won't disclose mine) but here's a tale that will hopefully make you think twice: I once had a client who got caught driving heavy vehicles while on meth (driving was their occupation). I spoke to them about it, and they gave the usual "of course they pinged me on the one time I did it". They had only recently returned to driving after a drug / high range drink driving offence (can't recall exactly) a couple years earlier. They seemed shocked at the probability of it all. Lost their job, still don't have their licence, and as I understand they basically had to pack up shop and move closer to the city. The silly cunt didn't think that with the automatic number plate recognition stuff, that he might be targeted. I've since heard of plenty of others who seem to be pulled over much more frequently since having their licence suspended for drug driving. Even if you bypass your interlock, putting aside the moral issues there, you are going to face increased risk of being pulled over. Increased risk of losing your job, and your licence for much much longer if you're caught drunk / drugged up. It isn't fair, but expect to be profiled for a very, very long time, even after your interlock is gone. Perhaps that might be the incentive for you to not do it. Curse the deep state, count your blessings, and don't make it worse for yourself.