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Oneshop on Abacus. What is your recent experience?

by /u/diondavenport69 · 0 votes · 2022-08-17 00:44:00

I know I post a lot of these. But has anyone had any recent experience with Oneshop on Abacus? I did a search on Dread after purchasing and see that they were banned from WHM (mayb/maybe not same people)?

Their recent reviews on abacus seem fairly good and just bought .5 as a test. That was a week ago and although it said shipped by last Thursday.... nothing has come. They have not replied to any of my messages either. It was an escrow purchase and I extended autofinalise and already opened dispute (just because of the 48hr wait time, I like to open when things start feeling suss, just to be ready if I need to use).

I'm not particularly worried that I'll get screwed over, bu t at the same time I'm not a particularly patient or chill person, and I like to know what is going on with my purchases, no matter how small.

TL;DR: Anyone recently given oneshop on abacus a go? what are your thoughts/experiences?

Comments (1)
/u/monerolion · N/A votes · 18th August, 2022 - 16:26 · Link

They're dishonest. Sent me underweight first order, apologised and said theyd make it right, sucker me placed another order, underweight again, and some plastic film crap in amongst the product so there's more weight lost not to mention contamination. Back and forth a couple of weeks got sick of their bullshit so left bad feedback. They said it was a "massive hassle" to just send what they owe me and wanted me to place yet another order just to get what I already paid for. No thanks, not getting fucked a third time. Now they're calling me a liar and try to scam free shit from them. I've got screenshots of the entire conversations where they admit fault yet they try claim i made it all up. That's last straw shit for me, I can't stand dishonest vendors who claim to be good honest operators.