
N/A subscribers


Pygmalion DMT scammer

by /u/ProFeedBackOnly · 0 votes · 8th March, 2021 22:48


Comments (8)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 04:18 · Link

I'm going to lock this post. There is manipulation here and FUD from confirmed alt accounts. I'll be looking into this.

/u/Punisher · N/A votes · 8th March, 2021 - 23:10 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 01:24 · Link

/d/Council is a laudable effort. We may yet get a workable multisig XMR solution out of it.

/u/ProFeedBackOnly · N/A votes · 8th March, 2021 - 23:12 · Link

u right Punisher ! Clearly the best market into TOR ! Thanks again admin1 and admin2 <3

/u/Punisher · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 01:37 · Link


/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 01:55 · Link

How did you notice this?

/u/eyesandears · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 01:04 · Link

hmmmm, worry not, the entity's will get the fucker :)

/u/mimosakinguk · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 01:56 · Link

10000% karma will bite dishonest people in the ass, for us in the shape of elves, and things...

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 01:18 · Link

If they are under investigation or apprehended, then they are clearly not scamming since their supposed dereliction has other obvious causes with potentially devastating consequences.

/u/DudeMaster · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 02:16 · Link

Supposing my friend Bob has ordered from them quite recently what course of action would people suggest for him? I'm thinking he has 3 options: 1. Do nothing and see what happens/hope for the best (hoping for the best rarely works for Bob btw) 2. Gobble down anything which he shouldn't have in the house right the fuck now to get rid of it even though he has work tomorrow 3. Burn the house down and move to Belieze

/u/ProFeedBackOnly · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 02:27 · Link

Let me remind you anyway: Germany with COVID-19 has drastically reinforced its postal delivery system. A dread member even sent me a private message with an article where it is clearly notified that a German public prosecutor has introduced a law that forces every private and public postal service to open every suspicious letter/package and especially to disclose the information to the police. The fact that no more customers receive their DMT, that the German police closed down CyberBunker aka DarkMarket and that their postal system was updated to, i quote, "fight against drugs online" is quite revealing of the situation. I advise everyone who ordered from Pygmalion and received nothing to at least expect a letter of seizure. At best it's a scammer ; But why started to scam when it is supposed to launch the council initiative and the introduction of new TOR node? (Finally for those who did not understand this initiative is not "clear" as the user /u/Punisher said) in any case only time will tell (Don't forget that it uses an international team and that for each product, the country of departure is different. Don't wait for it to get to that point) Anyway thanks to the admins for the work done. It is clear that Germany is currently at war with any TOR service !

/u/Calyix921 · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 00:29 · Link

Shame if so, but strong doubt.

/u/mimosakinguk · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 01:55 · Link

Shoulda shopped with MimosaKingUK - we dont belive in FE, and encorouge our customers to extend Escrow if their package hasnt arrived yet :) Side note, u say he is 'clearly under investigation' , and as somebody has already pointed out, if thats true, then they have much bigger things to worry about than scamming over a gram of deemz! this wouldnt be called scamming its just a consequence of getting busted! love mimsy

/u/INSSOURCE · N/A votes · 9th March, 2021 - 03:55 · Link

I love this market but i've been scammed on WHM by straightfromnl (271$) and pygmalion (37$) Probably the same supplier -.-