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Archetyp Markets Monero address - 4H?

by /u/Xangobbler · 0 votes · 2024-01-13 09:42:00

How on earth have they created an address that starts with 4H? I have a vanity address with my name in it but the best I could manage was 44H.
How do I go about getting 4H?

Comments (1)
/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 13th January, 2024 - 11:21 · Link

Like you wrote, a vanity Monero address generator MAY have been used -- one that accepts Rust Regex is allowed in any mode matching at any position. Especially, if advanced regex pattern is used: --pattern "^h(h|h)h(h|h)nto.*$" It automatically prefixes your input with ^h with a --pattern like "hhhhh"