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When Do We Start Transacting TRUE Peer-to-Peer (p2p)?

by /u/xCash · 0 votes · 7th November, 2023 20:32

I always wonder when this concept is going to take off.

Why have we not had a true peer-to-peer marketplace built and deployed that allows the DNM economy to trade p2p with no central points of failure? I remember OpenBazaar taking a crack at it, but it just didn't stick for whatever reason. Every time I see the Bohemia-like stress and drama and every other fucking market that has exit scammed or whatever rug, I always wonder when we'll get true DNM p2p.

Here's to hoping. I certainly wouldn't know how to do it, but I know there are some smart motherfuckers in this community who could.

Comments (6)
/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 21:40 · Link

I think the hardest thing to Implement into this is a way to handle the Dispute Resolution Process, because that in itself would require Central Control to Moderate, if a Moderator with access is Compromised then that can be an issue in itself. Maybe there will be a time in the future when AI is implemented to deal with that kind of thing.

/u/DasApothecary · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 22:41 · Link

Wauw, imagine that! Asking AI, Where is my order??? hahaha

/u/DasApothecary · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 21:01 · Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 21:27 · Link

They are two different things, Decentralized would be something where the Market Backend run on some sort of Smart Contracts and the Front End runs over IPFS where it is Decentralized, and not Controlled by one Person.

/u/DasApothecary · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 21:31 · Link

This is indeed very true, thnx for correcting!

/u/dankservices · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 21:12 · Link

Its being done on telegram but unfortunently many vendors and buyers are not safely connecting to or signing up for telegram via TOR or tails, some are using VPNs perhaps but the majority are not safely connecting or signing up.

/u/TrippyTuesdays · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 22:42 · Link

TMG was sort of a P2P market place/Forum. Was an awesome place. Im not sure what happened to it unfortunately. T.T

/u/xCash · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 23:28 · Link

Particl is another one that has real potential, although the marketplace is complicated af and based on token called PART. I think it will be a lead contender once it starts to gain traction. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that. They are doing some neat stuff with it right now under dev. Did anyone ever use OpenBazaar? I used it for a few buys and it worked well, but again, just lacked any mainstream uptake and there were too many outstanding opsec questions regarding it. That was like 5 years ago I think....I would NEVER use it in today's environment of track and trace.

/u/triplenigger · N/A votes · 8th November, 2023 - 16:11 · Link


/u/Ismokecrack · N/A votes · 7th November, 2023 - 20:37 · Link

Lack or escrow is a big reason, but I agree, some direct system of payment with reviews, even without escrow, would be an amazing way to get drugs and fraud services, I may start working on something like that and pay for the first month of hosting and request donations.