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General Trip Reports

by /u/oblomov13 · 0 votes · 2024-04-27 13:40:00

I had previously experienced four different experiences, including gammagoblin and jor. I realized that I actually hadn’t.( It may have been due to unhealthy storage conditions, they were not in anything, they were naked, I got it from the street, and the other 10 tabs from DW were waiting in my room exposed to the sun).I must have gotten the wrong idea about this, but I’m not aware of it. We got three from a reseller friend, two were the same, one was different. He had warned us that the ones that were the same were very powerful.

The one that looked different wasn’t famous for its appearance or manufacturer, nor was it a well-known brand. However, based on my previous experiences, I thought it would be logical to share the two identical ones separately and to split and take the third one in half.We were smoking weed, and I had no slightest worry or expectation about what would happen, what could be the worst that could happen? About 45 minutes later, strange things started to happen.

In the midst of a routine conversation, words started to escape me, everything lost its meaning. No sound, no word, nothing could conjure up anything in my mind. I got stuck on the last word I tried to say; we were talking about mushrooms. I say ‘Golden Teacher’. What was that Golden Teacher, exactly? Everything is so meaningless that it’s suffocating me like a nightmare. My girlfriend is telling me something, it’s disgusting. Everything she says is very disgusting. I scream with all my might, ‘Would you please be quiet?’ I have no idea what’s going on… please, be quiet… My head hurts so much from thinking.

It’s indescribable, but it’s as if an extra sense in my brain, one that has never been activated before, is now active. It’s indescribable, but I feel as if I’ve gained an extra dimension and can sense it. It calmly commands, ‘Think of nothing, let it flow…’

The moment I stop thinking, when all words have lost their meaning, infinite hourglasses start to intertwine in the panoramic sea view before me… It’s so miraculous that I start crying from happiness. How can everything, without exception, seem to jump out of a cartoon? How can everything be so sweet? As I cry from happiness, I see even cuter things, and everything I see becomes cuter over time. I’m literally inside a cartoon.

I get up to wash my face and then the switch flips—I’m gone, then I come back, and then I’m gone again… This part is a bit disturbing, but slowly, words start to make sense again.

I can form logical sentences. My girlfriend offers me pudding, I take a taste, rum rum rum rum. The moment I swallow, I like it so much that I go back to that moment and relive it, like hitting replay. After the 25th, 30th repeat, I swallow once more. It’s crazy, then I take a sip of beer right after… Incredible, is this really what beer tastes like? They offer me a cigarette, I take a puff… Oh my God, has a cigarette always tasted this bad? It’s so disgusting and uncomfortable… I can’t believe this is the real taste… (I quit smoking after that, couldn’t smoke for about 4 months)

Beer, cola, pizza, hamburger, jelly beans, pudding—I’m ecstatic with pleasure after an hour of consuming food. I look back at the sea and start crying again. I wasn’t aware of this perfection until now, friends… It’s so unique. I think of Albert Hoffman, how it must have felt to be the first person in the world to experience this :) I start recording a video to capture my thoughts for later (to draw a picture later), and the clear images transmitted to me slowly start to fog up and blur. This is my first real trip ... this is the first and the original one... then,

Seuss blotters that I’ve always seen around but never experienced have now entered Istanbul :). After making sure they were original, we asked a friend who wouldn’t say no to us and cant charge too much to send us 5 copies:D I have a question, I didn’t forget the words, my head wasn’t confused, my head didn’t hurt, but can someone please explain to me how this navy blue can be so navy blue? How can it be so clean? :) In the first one, all visuals were gone in the evening. Only the full moon was pink, but in this one, the stars, the lights were all in a riot of color. I can’t be ungrateful to any of them. The previous ones are not products that can be found, I’m not comparing any of them with each other, each has its own experience. But the existence of Seuss is literally a stroke of luck. The strange thing is that it offers visuals without clouding the mind, ideal for those who want to embark on a journey of creativity. When Seuss’s journey comes to an end, I desire to have an untouched sheet :) There may not be any shit from Jor and gamma, but there are still a few tabs left. However, they are not currently exposed to the sun or humidity and are being stored in the fridge :D Thank you for reading folks , finally, can someone tell me exactly how long I can keep these wonderful things?

Comments (3)
/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 14:06 · Link

Always be careful with mysterious compounds - just because it's blotter doesn't guarantee it's even LSD. Recently did some DOB which would look identical to an LSD blotter had you not known it was DOB instead. Totally different dosages and intensity and duration. 3 hits of DOB was about as intense as the most (12) hits of good acid i've ever taken in my life. 3 was probably too many for a starting point since I had not been actively using lots of psychedelics. The only thing that has tripped me out much harder than that is some of the DMT vapes going around. I had never had good experience with otherly sourced DMT and the experiences were meh at best, but with the vapes that shit will launch you into another freaking dimension. Even the DOB didn't take anything quite that far. It's interesting that most all of these pretty much work on the same receptors - I wish we could figure out what it was doing or what those receptors are even for so we could figure out if any of this actually means anything in terms of religion and there being some divine spirit or god or whatever or if we're just wigging our brain out to make us comprehend reality in a strange way. Either way, it's also interesting to me that there's a pretty good chance most of religion came from some type of similar experience at some point, though likely just as accidental as the bike ride. Perhaps some day we may have a scientific answer to all this God shit, at least as it pertains to human brain perception functionality, rather than just people arguing back and forth without any proof or direct experience to back it up. Hope you've enjoyed my pointless rant to add to your fairly long and semi-pointless rant also!

/u/oblomov13 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 14:42 · Link

I made a big mistake regarding stimulants. I underestimated some of them and only later saw the damage they caused to my mind. However, I think pure acid really compensates for this. There is a possibility of repair, after allowing it to repair, of course :) I don’t have a total of 10 experiences and I think I won’t exceed 50 for the rest of my life, and I’m already excited about it.I am quite sure that each one will have a very distinct importance, but it needs to be as set up as possible, conscious and under control from A to Z. It’s not because of fear or the thought that it might cause harm, but because if it happens as few times as possible, each one will be much more valuable, thanks a lot for your response

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 15:20 · Link

Dude, please use paragraphs next time. This was really painful to read.

/u/oblomov13 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 13:25 · Link

My trip was painfull also. :P now u got me :D

/u/oblomov13 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 15:37 · Link

Hey phobos now I added some spaces for paragraphs just for you :P

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 15:38 · Link

Also, couldn't edit my goddamn post so here i'll make another one. Take the tabs out of your fridge ASAP cause you're gonna ruin them due to condensation.

/u/oblomov13 · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 15:52 · Link

They are covered by an aliminium foil and some humudity stuff for hold the humidity which I found in empty medicine box :P and paper covered then in Uv jar in fridge. I pressed all the butons to pass the stage :D I did not touch them when they are naked. So is room temp okey to keep them legit ? How many years I can storage them ?