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by /u/bohemiastatement · 0 votes · 3rd January, 2024 18:15

[removed by staff]

Comments (6)
/u/deerp · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 18:21 · Link

Without a signed message, this could have been written by a mad man in a cave who just happened to have WiFi + laptop to send this.

/u/riserise · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 18:27 · Link

lmao 🤣

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 4th January, 2024 - 03:49 · Link

You doxxed him!!! OMG

/u/deerp · N/A votes · 4th January, 2024 - 03:56 · Link

Are you saying I shouldn't write a letter of complaint asking where my money is like this then friend? Mr Bohemia MM (Mad Man NOT Military Medal) Number 1 Cave Darknetmarketshire Zip Code 5CAM M3R Is this not the right thing to do Newbs?

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 4th January, 2024 - 05:14 · Link

It is not so much the letter of complaint that troubles me, more so the fact that you mailed it with insufficient postage. Seems like a bit much to cause him to pay for something that is critical of him.

/u/cbdisgreat101 · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 18:28 · Link

even if this is real: "we paid what we could" "i made enough money through bohemia that i will never need to work again in my life"

/u/xllus · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 18:35 · Link

why not reinvest that ''set for life'' money and make even more money.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 18:34 · Link

Not a statement we should assume is legitimate. Things like these MUST be signed. Otherwise our anti-fud rule comes in effect. Removing it. If real you must post with a verified sign. Hello everyone, This is the admin of Bohemia. I created this account to make this one single post with my one final statement about what happened to Bohemia. Before my statement, I'll get the obvious out of the way. Why am I using this random account? I already purged all info tying me to Bohemia market. The market is effectively gone and so there is no reason or me to keep that potentially incriminating info. After I make this post, I wont log onto dread again. As /u/cocaineincpr may have already put together, the /u/Bohemia and /u/BohemiaNorth accounts were the same person (me). I created a separate PR account to help manage our public-facing appearance during difficult times. When you post as an admin, people are quicker to demand things from you that may not be possible and get angrier when things arent resolved. In general, it was easier to communicate with the community as the "PR Representative." There was no ill intent behind this, I just wanted to find the best way to help the market users. I want to be clear that I really intended to honor all the missing withdrawals and deposits. But my plan to do so, relied on a substantial amount of consistent revenue coming into the market to cover the losses. Once vendors stopped taking orders on Bohemia, our revenue dried up and it became impossible to cover the losses. I will admit that we did selectively honor certain withdrawals from certain vendors. This wasnt for any bad reason, but in general we would try to solve withdrawals and deposits from more vocal and established members of the community in the hopes that they would make this known on dread, to keep revenue coming into the market. /u/cocaineincPR we could not honor all your withdrawals because the amounts were too big, we paid what we could. The market is now dead. The hosting is prepaid for a while but once that runs out the onion will be offline. I am really sorry that things ended this way. i hoped to run Bohemia long enough to be the longest running dnm ever. For everyone who lost money, im sorry. I wont be returning to dread, or the darknet in general. i am glad to say that, personally, i made enough money through bohemia that i will never need to work again in my life. That is only possible through the support of this community and I forever thank you all for that. Please accept my sincerest apologies and I hope this final statement helps with closure. /u/cocaineincPR /u/hugbunter /u/shakybeats

/u/prettypacks · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 20:25 · Link

lmaooooo has to be fake where is my apology? ;)

/u/teamdaydream · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 20:53 · Link

You dont get one. now bend over clownboi.

/u/motleycruise · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 18:35 · Link

If this was true (which I am doubting it is considering it's not even signed). IF you made enough money through Bohemia that you will never need to work again in your life, wouldn't the right thing to do be to pay vendors like /u/cocaineincPR? Without vendors like that, you wouldn't be sitting on that money or in the position that you never have to work again. If this was a true statement and the post was really from the admin (all of which I doubt), that would be the right thing to do. That is what you should have done to begin with. If you had done that when the problem was first noticed, vendors would have never left and money would have kept coming in. Instead of repaying vendors, you would be repaying yourself but bad business decisions have put you in the position where you owe vendors money and have no way to pay it to them. I will reword that. You have a way to pay them what is owed (using your own funds made from the market, from their work) but you choose not to.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 4th January, 2024 - 03:46 · Link

"Before my statement, I'll get the obvious out of the way." The whole stupid story is the obvious and took no thought or creativity whatsoever. Regardless whether it was a market exploit taken advantage of by a hacker or a rogue staff member took off with $2 million probably everyone on dread and many more who are no longer here know that there are missing funds. Superthreads had to be created to prevent subdreads from being spammed up by those claiming to be owed funds by Bohemia. So with the plethora of posts by those claiming to be owed one would need to be an ostrich with his head in the sand to not know about it which brings us to the obvious theme of who is going to be making new deposits into a market which is floating dangerously low in the water? Therefore, where are funds going to come from to repay those owed even if the remaining staff has the best of intentions? Unless a white knight comes along offering to pay off what is owed in exchange for a given percent ownership of Bohemia market the ending pretty much writes itself, with only the timing left to be decided. The letters BS are even provided in the username! /u/bohemiastatement

/u/motleycruise · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 18:46 · Link

They couldn't pay the vendors but I do like that they decided to prepay for their hosting. You pay less anyway when you pay in advance. They must have gone with GoDaddy.