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multisig public key

by /u/krillyob · 0 votes · 11th March, 2022 18:08

new to the market, just setting things up, this field is problematic since i'm not sure what format is expected. zpub that my wallet exports is rejected as invalid :/ some clarification would be much appreciated.

Comments (3)
/u/Vito · N/A votes · 13th March, 2022 - 02:15 · Link

Good day sir, Please check the sticky post about multisig: /post/7996ab1506215be38e04 Best regards

/u/krillyob · N/A votes · 13th March, 2022 - 12:32 · Link

Thank you for the link Vito. I have read it along with many other faqs and articles. The issue is they are all step by step guides for Electrum without technical information (or a sample) about data format. I can export private and public keys from my wallet (which isn't Electrum) without problems and there are plenty of tools to convert the public key from one format to another but need to know the required format for that to work. I'll try some more to try to figure this out.

/u/krillyob · N/A votes · 13th March, 2022 - 16:14 · Link

temp solution is ofc to install electrum. now it saves. now have to figure out how to buy using 2/3 since the option is not there on the listings and "buy" just tells me what i know, no funds on the market wallet?! setting up and using 2/3 was trivial on Versus, why is it a nightmare here? :(