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mega[.]nz links all return blank pages

by /u/leonardo_dicapuccino · 0 votes · 12th December, 2023 17:57

Hello, I just bought a digital guide on a market (first DNM purchase of my life). I received a mega[.]nz link from the vendor, but it returns a blank page. I am using Tor on safest (on Tails), with about:config java.enabled turned off and with ublock origin activated. I then searched "mega nz" on dread to try to find if anybody else had encountered that problem. All i found is an infinite amount of links to free guides, all returning blank pages as well. I've read some comments about needing to activate javascript, but i am very wary of doing that to open a link from the shadiest corner of the earth.

Also, let's say i manage to get something other than a blank page, what is the standard security procedure to open a file obtained from a DNM? I am nervous about infecting my persistent folder.

Comments (3)
/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 13th December, 2023 - 06:05 · Link

As /u/Paris wrote, otherwise this is where a VPN would come in handy and the use of a regular browser like Firefox. The page does, in fact, require JavaScript. You are seeing a blank page because you are being redirected to a page that cannot render JavaScript:

/u/leonardo_dicapuccino · N/A votes · 13th December, 2023 - 19:18 · Link

Let's say I turned on javascript to access maga nz to read the PDF guide I bought, does this mean LE could now potentially have access to the IP/MAC adress of my router because of the exit node ?

/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 14th December, 2023 - 01:14 · Link

Your MAC address: never. Your IP: would you be using Tor or a VPN? mega.nz is public. Anyone coming across that link could down the file unless it is password protected.

/u/leonardo_dicapuccino · N/A votes · 14th December, 2023 - 23:38 · Link

I would be using Tor on Tails

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 12th December, 2023 - 20:58 · Link

Are you sure javascript is on? If you set your settings to safest I think noscript sets your javascript to false. If you turn it too standard does mega.nz still not load?

/u/leonardo_dicapuccino · N/A votes · 13th December, 2023 - 01:06 · Link

no javascript is off, isn't that the #1 rule on the darknet?..

/u/CardedWoo · N/A votes · 13th December, 2023 - 05:59 · Link

You answered your own question.