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DDoS technical details?

by /u/Sprinkled4Spi · 0 votes · 17th April, 2022 19:50

Several onions were hit by seemingly large DDoS attacks within the last week.. including Dread, asap market, crypto stamps, kilos, tor taxi, and others. What was different about these attacks? Were they particularly large volumetric attacks? Some new application level attack? Some sort of tor exploit even? I'm hoping we can learn from this as a community to help avoid it or be prepared in the future. Could this have been a government attack?

Also i'm not too computer savvy but would it be possible for a government actor to launch a massive (or unique) attack against an onion and find out whos hosting it by seeing some sort of ISP records? I've just noticed that several onions in the last 2 years or so have been hit by large attacks then are seized or dead within a short period thereafter.

Comments (1)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 17th April, 2022 - 20:06 · Link

Just a larger attack. Mass Get based attack which does fuck up the Tor process. EndGame is specifically designed to combat this but it needs enough servers to properly filter the requests. All big operations should be burning their systems every single month and moving around. I do this a lot while leaving up past clusters for extra compute if I need it. Staying with the same servers for a long time is a big risk when there is massive DDOS attacks like this.

/u/BigDaddy2K · N/A votes · 17th April, 2022 - 21:00 · Link

more back-power is needed I see and with i2p in use properly these attacks should be better mitigated