
N/A subscribers


Opinions on best markets

by /u/iluvbars · 0 votes · 12th February, 2022 18:24

So as the title says Im just looking for peoples opinions on their personal favorite market. I've always used torrez to look at listings. This is gonna be my first order so i wanna make sure the market i choose is decent.

P.s I also know that darc0de has had reports of scamming,

Thank you in advance friends!

Comments (12)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 12th February, 2022 - 18:57 · Link

Nearly all markets have some form of reports of scamming. Generally from people who got phished and don't know how MiTM proxies work. As long as you verify onions and choose the right vendor generally speaking you don't need to worry about anything. If you need information on a vendor or drug over multiple markets /d/Recon and /d/Kilos are your best sites to find more information. Check out the superlist at /post/2571a1025e506e11fd1b Always make sure you are not putting in more than you are willing to lose. In the case the vendor doesn't fulfill their end of the bargain it's hard for first time buyers to prove the package didn't land. In that case you might need to try again. If you stick to the top vendors that generally doesn't happen though. Vendors want more buyers and good feedback from them. Make sure to read the /d/DNMBible too!

/u/PsycheShop · N/A votes · 12th February, 2022 - 19:01 · Link

Darkode treats me well. I believe it is the #1 market at the moment.

/u/TOPBOY69 · N/A votes · 13th February, 2022 - 03:28 · Link

couldnt agree more probably the best market

/u/amnesiaaaa · N/A votes · 12th February, 2022 - 19:08 · Link

Personally I use to like Monopoly (RIP) since you didn't need an account to purchase and the process was simple. Darkode is a good option since it has a wide variety of vendors on there. But to look for listings, use /d/Recon.

/u/JohnSacadorian · N/A votes · 12th February, 2022 - 19:17 · Link

/d/IncognitoMarket or dark0de are the ones i regularly grab from.

/u/Atomic16 · N/A votes · 12th February, 2022 - 19:36 · Link

Ive never had a problem with Dark0de its my goto.

/u/waxwing · N/A votes · 12th February, 2022 - 20:47 · Link

Dark0de all day long. Those that have accused the market of scamming probably have and agenda against the market. I have never had a problem using it.

/u/crazycrayon · N/A votes · 13th February, 2022 - 02:56 · Link

Do any markets not charge a Buyer's fee anymore? Or is Dark0de pretty much the cheapest Buyer's fee right now?

/u/vanman · N/A votes · 13th February, 2022 - 07:01 · Link

Another vote for dark0de here. After they handled a technical issue that had me pulling my hair out with honesty and got my coins back in my wallet, I can truthfully say they are #1. Best support than any market I've used since I started using dnm's in the early silk road 1 days. Even better than alphabay 1. I hope they stick around for the long haul, we need more markets like them in the community...

/u/iluvbars · N/A votes · 13th February, 2022 - 07:04 · Link

Thanks for your opinion my man! much appreciated(:

/u/vanman · N/A votes · 14th February, 2022 - 05:06 · Link

No prob & I love bars too ????

/u/elyon · N/A votes · 14th February, 2022 - 01:24 · Link

World market, Archetyp, Versus

/u/jinxxxy · N/A votes · 14th February, 2022 - 01:36 · Link


/u/iluvbars · N/A votes · 14th February, 2022 - 06:54 · Link


/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 15th February, 2022 - 00:41 · Link

yeah. promoting DM and wkr. removed.

/u/jinxxxy · N/A votes · 15th February, 2022 - 01:22 · Link


/u/TOPBOY69 · N/A votes · 13th February, 2022 - 03:27 · Link

World Market used to be my fav but now i prefer Black Market. All cyber crime vendors sell shity dead methods and crapy cards and logs so I tend to stay away from markets now.

/u/HumanPie · N/A votes · 16th February, 2022 - 14:53 · Link

Black Market had their IP exposed and was banned from Dread.

/u/Pablo__Escobar · N/A votes · 12th February, 2022 - 21:39 · Link

#1 = Dark0de 100%